I’ll keep yhis as short as possible. I met her because I did some plumbing work at her house. Since the day I started doing some work there, she was very ‘friendly’ with me. She gave me like 10 hugs everytime I saw her, she kept putting her hands on my chest and my shoulders, and after we had small conversations she would jist stand there and check me out.

She told me she wanta to have me around often and bas a lot of work I can do for her and she asked if I was over 18 because I look young. She did some other things that make me think there might be something there because the days I was at her place, she was wearing just a bra an dpanties and a seethrough dress over that and she kept “dropping” things and bending over in front of me.

I know this doesn’t necessarily mean she is looking for something, but I want to test the waters and I hope she would be up for something because she’s such a sweet woman and she is very attractive. What are some things I can do without outright asking her I want her in bed? Like what are smaller things I can do to grab her attention?

  1. She’s literally throwing herself at you. The question is she just having fun being a tease and toying with the fantasy of “what if”, or is she really DTF. Is she married? BF or live alone? That would decide how you move forward or not. Simple things would be to hold her in a hug just a little bit longer than what feels comfortable and natural, when you feel her letting go hold the hug just a second or two longer. Otherwise just have to be slick with dropping hints and innuendo and play off her reaction

  2. is this real?

    if it is. just say to her about the day she wears the see through dress. “ma’am, can i say something? i think you look really hot with that dress you wear on Wednesday. i keep thinking about you.”

    if she’s smart she’ll tease you and ask you question.

    and just say you masturbated and cum so hard imagining her. it’s up to her now.

  3. “This woman kept touching my penis. Do you think she is into me?”

    The poor woman is doing absolutely everything she can to signal availability. Take the hint and either give her the penis she wants or let her down politely.

    > I know this doesn’t necessarily mean she is looking for something

    Mmmm, pretty much does.

    Call her up and ask if you can come over to her house. Don’t mention plumbing or any other excuse. Just ask if she is busy and if she minds if you come over.

    In the _extremely unlikely_ case she was not trying to get you into bed, she will ask you why you want to come over. You can then repeat what she said about having more for you.

    More likely, she will accept. Go over and when you arrive, as you would if she had invited you over for sex — which is to say, do _not_ behave particularly aggressive sexually, but be very pleasant and act in a way that makes it very clear that unless, for example, she moves her leg, your hand will be on her thigh in a minute or so. If she doesn’t move away, put your hand on thigh, and move it northward in a way that makes it very clear that unless she moves, your hand will be on her ribcage in another minute or so.

    Women do not like to be asked straight out for sex, but most of them don’t like to be manhandled either. Go just a tiny bit further than you think she is 100% comfortable with, and go slow enough that she can stop you if she wants.

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