Ive been the one being pitied. It was in 4th grade but it went on for much longer because she couldn’t just leave me alone.

In fourth grade, I didn’t have a lot of close friends. That’s not to say I was a recluse or anything. I remember interacting with my classmates and my teachers. I was just the type of person that liked being alone. Even when I did have friends. I would get annoyed easily.

But anyways, there was this girl her name was Emily. She said she saw me crying on the bus one time. She didn’t know why I was crying but she felt bad so she started approaching me. Seems nice huh. I remember she gave me a stack of post it notes. I found it odd because I didn’t know her that well. She would sit near me at recess but she didn’t try to make conversation. So I didn’t talk back to her either. I remember finding it weird. So I just got up and walked away without saying anything. I ran away and then I sat under a tree to hide from her. She followed me.

So then I decided that she was trying to be my friend but that she just lacked social skills. So I decided to initiate conversation more often. It was followed by weird remarks like “See! You’re not shy!”

I just decided that she was weird but didn’t mean any harm. So I keeping trying to be friends with her. But then guess what. She started trying to boss me around. She told me that I need to go talk to people. She said. “You need to go talk to people right now.” I was confused. Did she just approach me so that she could boss me around? I concluded that she saw me as a fixer upper.

Since then I started to hate her. I wanted to get rid of her. When she found out about my feelings. She was mad. She rubbed in my face all that she did. She was like I gave you a gift. I was the one that started hanging out with you because I felt bad. A whole slew of things.

1 comment
  1. Yes! I had a “friend” I met in middle school who I liked them. But by high school she was so competitive as was I that I had grown weary of her. And I was bratty in middle school. Not gonna lie. But I matured in high school and she clung to me which definitely annoyed me. I got sports awards in high school she didn’t get and in my 20’s I ran into her and she told me how she always felt sorry for me and how she was always better than me and how we were inseparable. I was shocked and cut it off then on there. We were never inseparable, she was never much better than me, and I had no idea she felt sorry for me. Nope. I won’t be pitied.

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