Hello, Reddit

Well, how should I begin. My girlfriend (F21) of almost 3 years just broke up with me (M21) yesterday while visiting me abroad, and today is our last day before she leaves back home again.

I am truly heartbroken. I wouldn’t say it came out of the blue as she was acting weird ever since I picked her up from the airport, and I was trying to make her tell what was wrong.

We were high school sweethearts, got to know her just before the pandemic hit, and made her my girlfriend the summer of 2020. She is truly the most beautiful person I have ever met – both physically but most importantly personality-wise as well.

We hade a great relationship, well of course it had it’s up and downs, but we never screamed at each other and always were showing respect to each other.

The worst thing is her reason, she lost her love for me. This pains me so freaking much as I have so much love left for her and don’t know what to do with it.

She has been a very important part of my life, supporting and guiding me in a very difficult part of my life – where I for instance dont think I would be where I am now without her. So I definitely still want her as my friend, but I need some time alone first.

So, dear Reddit. Tonight I am going to spend my last night with the girl I love unbelievably much. To the girl I planned my future with. My lover and truly also my best friend.

Anyone have some advice on how to move on further from here?

Sending lots of love to anyone going through the same thing. ❤️

My girlfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me, and tonight is our last night together.

  1. Sounds like you’re in the right headspace, just takes time to heal. I’d recommend just focusing on yourself, your school/work/hobbies and being happy. It gets easier and eventually someone new will catch your eye and it’ll start all over again. Hopefully not too many heartbreaks before finding the best fit for you.

  2. Well, all the best. Emotions are sometimes nasty, fickle things.

    If you want to make peace with her or rather your emotioms for her, then there are some things you could say. At least they helped me. First, do say thank you and be explicit in telling her how you became a better person, because she was a part of your life. Then tell her to not feel guilty for her own emotions, because you’d much rather see her smile. If you are in any way worried about her, tell her that too. Then say you still wanna have all the good times you can have with her, even if it’s just as friends. If she says no, then accept that ig. Hurts, but at least by then you should have said everything you wanted to say.

    Then again, from the way you talk, you might have already done so.

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