So this one girl in my 2nd period (she sits in front of me, like 30-40 feet, not in the same table) has been staring at me the last few weeks, and when I see she’s doing it she just looks away…. and whenever everyone stand by the door when class is about to end she always tries to get close to where I’m at, and I also see her kinds adjusting her cloths/hair.

I’ve kinda also looked at her, and kinda have a crush on her and I’m kinda interested in her.

But could she also be I interested in me?

Edit: We have NEVER talked or interacted, just kinda her stating, and me a couple times.

  1. She could be. You’ll have to talk with her and see how she acts. Start by smiling and saying hi.

  2. If you’re not interested in her, then just keep doing your own thing.

    If you are interested in her, then go talk to her. If the vibes are there, ask for her number and/or ask her out right right then and there or call her later and ask her out.

    Speculating doesn’t do you any good. Just go be a man and stop overthinking. Good luck.

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