My english is broken.
My boyfriend started shaving more frequently, but he prefers to do it against the growing side, because he doesn’t like how his face feels shaving following the growing of the hairs, but is bad for his skin, right?
Can you make your face not feel all gritty shaving correctly?

  1. I have best results with a high quality Braun electric razor, foil head. Everyone’s skin is different, though. Experimentation is required.

  2. you can go against the grain for a smoother feel but the trade off is that you have a higher chance of getting ingrown hairs, thats why they say go with it.. so we don’t get them.

  3. After using the shaving techniques I learned in the book ‘Women: Maxim’s unauthorized guide’, I have ever since had a face as stubble free as a baby’s. [](

    Every guy’s beard is different, but I’ve used a Schick 5 blade razor with Edge gel for sensitive skin, and haven’t had a single nick in many years.

    I just wish someone had taught me this when I was 17, it would have saved me a lifetime of 5 o’clock shadow.

  4. I have super thick corse hair so doesn’t matter what way I shave, it always feels gritty.

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