Tl;Dr A guy I’m seeing has a lot going for him and I don’t and I don’t want to hold him back.

I’ve (F20) been talking to this guy (M23) I met on Hinge a lot since we matched. He is so kind and so different from anyone I’ve dated in the past. He doesn’t seem to mainly be after sex and he actually tries to get to know me. He also makes music and really good art. He has a YT channel with around 30k subscribers where he posts his art so he actually makes some decent money from that. He seems to be really emotionally intelligent and he’s vegan like myself for the animals. We also agree on some other very important things and have some common interests.

The thing is, I feel like I’m not worthy of this man. I’m not passionate about anything like he is about his art, his music and his fans. He seems to have it all figured out and he’s not depressed like myself. I don’t want to hold him back from what I know he could be if he just had someone on his own level there to support him. We do get along very well now but I’m not so sure that I could keep up with him if our relationship progresses to the next stage.

I know that a relationship like this could do so much for me. I’ve never even had a vegan friend before so just having someone to talk to about veganism without having to defend myself is priceless.

I don’t really know if this is relevant but I feel like maybe he is actually considering dating me just because of the way I look. Maybe he’s too blind to see that I’m not actually good for him.

1 comment
  1. >He seems to have it all figured out

    ‘seems’ being the operative word here. He might be just as insecure as you are, deep down. Let him worry about whether you’re holding him back or not. Because right now you’re just trying to talk yourself out of a potentially good thing. All that matters is whether he thinks you’re enough.

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