I don’t get it. If you are in dating apps, it’s because you’re lonely, and you would like to be with someone as soon as possible. However, in my experience, most people want to spend way too much time getting to know you before dating you.

I guess I’m the weird one who would date anyone in just a week as long as they are cute and seem nice enough… 🤷🏻‍♂️

  1. Because you dont want to have a relationship with just anybody? You want to be with someone you have feelings for and with someone that matches you. You dont buy a partner in a supermarket.

  2. Some people prefer a good match over speed. It takes a little time to determine that.
    If you are trying to meet someone quickly because you’re lonely, that can come across as needy and/or desperate, which is a turnoff for healthy people.

  3. I’m wondering the same thing! I was dating a guy, we liked each other, neither of us was seeing anyone else, but he didn’t want to be exclusive, because it was too soon to tell. Fair enough, we’d only gone out on four dates, but I personally don’t want to develop strong feelings for someone, just for them to find someone else.

    I guess it could be a lack of confidence on my part, the fear that they might find someone they like better, but I don’t like stringing along several guys at the same time.

  4. The reason people want to get to know you is because a lot of people are actually interested in creating a life with you and creating a life isn’t a joke, if we have great sex I will put you down for a point, if we have great conversation I will put you down for a point, if your parents like me you get a point, if my parents like you 2 points! Same music taste? 2 points! Compulsive liar -38 points, good bye

  5. Honestly feel this,like all those on tik tok who are like screw I sleep on this side of the bed and dinner is at this time.

    But we all need to build trust and see if there’s a mutual connection because the world wide majority has been hurt so we all are trying to take some sorta of precaution to not waste any more time and potentially have to go through it again.

    1 reason why I wish I could find a woman who games is it’s something we could potentially build and strengthen a bond over.

    Idle chatter


  6. Dating is a process. Usually because people are trying to figure out what they want out of it. It’s about envisioning what hat relationship with someone else might look like and what they may experience. It takes time because the quality person and the need to explore the depths of who they are is a process in itself. Many people use dating apps for many reasons and it’s important to distinguish between all of those reasons.

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