What are some basic hygiene tips, hacks and etc. any young girl or woman should be aware of?

  1. ALWAYS pee after sex. Otherwise you’re very likely to get a UTI.
    Wash your vulva with a mild non scented soap. Your vagina is self cleaning so don’t wash the inside.
    If you’re sexually active, I highly recommend getting STD testing between partners and periodically every few months(if your health insurance permits). You can never be too careful 🙂

  2. Never douche. If you think you smell, well take a breather. Is this your normal smell or is this a completely different smell that is wack and noticing other weird stuff coming out of your vagina and having odd sensations with your body?
    If the second, that may not be normal. Go to doctor.
    Otherwise clean self, and check self.
    Water on vulva will be enough for home.

  3. Find a skin care routine that works best for you. There is so much information out on internet like tiktok and instagram and everyone is always swearing that this works best or that is completely harmful for you but do not just go off things like that. What works for the OP might not work for you so do your own research and do whatever works best and it doesn’t have to be 20 steps.

  4. Hygiene is worth doing poorly on days when you’re sick or sad. Sink scrubs and brushing your teeth just enough to get the fuzz off won’t make you smell great or protect you from cavities, but it’s better than nothing.

    Also, spend way more time scrubbing the shampoo out of your scalp than you spent putting it in. Product buildup happens so easily. I have really thin and fine hair, and when I doubled the time I used to scrub out, it made a huge difference.

  5. If you notice bloating on your lower stomach/abdomen and it feels hard, do not hesitate to go to the doctor and request a scan. It can be a cyst (or many)

    Edit: typos lol

  6. Skin: Wash your face with cleanser/soap, don’t rely on those makeup remover wipes. Also moisturize with an appropriate lotion for your skin type. Use sun block!!!

    1. Listen to your body when deciding how often to shower. Everyone has different needs in this regard, and it doesn’t make you dirty or whatever people say.
    2. Any of these could prevent a painful urinary tract infection (UTI): always pee after sex. Wipe front to back. Don’t let them put it in your butt and then into your v – could lead to infection.

  7. Not exactly ‘hygiene’ since body hair isn’t unhygienic. But if you do want to remove it, use an electric shaver. Reduces razor rash and shaving cuts a lot. Also works out cheaper in the long run than using manual razors. My electric shaver cost £25; I’ve had it for 4 years now and it’s still working fine.

  8. 1 Change your pillowcases frequently, every 3-7 days atleast.

    2 Wear sunscreen daily, even when it’s cloudy.

    3 Stick to cotton underwear, your vag hates that synthetic material.

    4 When you can, sleep without any underwear on.

    5 Wipe from the front to the back, ALWAYS.

  9. Bidet all the way. Just a mild rinse after peeing makes it feel so fresh om the days I don’t shower

  10. Floss a couple of times a week, it makes a big difference for your dental health.

    Wear sunscreen and sun safe clothes. A tan isn’t sexy, it’s pre-cancer skin damage. Future you will be grateful.

    Assess whether you want to shave/ wax at all. I haven’t shaved legs or underarms in years and no-one has said a thing.

    Most of the time, people won’t notice. You don’t have to be perfect, a lot of the advertised routines are just product placement. So try not to fuss about that spot or imperfect eyebrows or whatever. No-one really cares, and you’ve got better things to do with your time.

    And learn how to do your laundry properly.

  11. Dont put anything in your vagina other than the obvious things like tampons, penises, and clean fingers etc. But no soap, water, god forbid yogurt or vinegar. And talk to your doctor if you think you need to put something in there (like yeast infection medication)

  12. Wash your hands before you use the bathroom. Wash your face. After a hot shower, turn the water to cold for a few seconds to close your pores. Dont wear makeup on your face as it clogs your pores & causes skin issues. Use conditioner or baby oil for shaving, no need for shaving cream. Dont use heat instruments on your hair all the time, if you do, stick to one or a few throughout the month. Wear deoderant. Clean your girl parts often. Don’t just rinse your hair with water, but go through rinsing in sections to avoid build up.

  13. Use wet wipes, not toilet paper. Wet wipes to clean, toilet paper to pat dry. I always carry a pack of them in my purse. It’s the only way I feel clean.

    When you shower, always make sure your private parts are fully dry before putting on any clothing. Do not use anything scented on your private parts. The cerave cleanser is perfect for that. The vagina is self-cleaning; the vulva is not! Clean it when you shower.

    Try once in a while to sleep without underwear. If sleeping in the nude makes you uncomfortable, don’t wear underwear under whatever garment you are wearing to bed. It’s important for your privates to ‘breathe’.

    Put on your lotion, then your perfume. You will smell lovely all day.

  14. I just discovered self tanning mousse. Not only it looks good but it makes me feel good! Highly recommend!

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