Just wondering that If sex becomes absent your life, will you be frustrated or don’t care at all? Does it have an impact in your personal life?

  1. Well as you get older (50+) that can definitely become the reality for many due to the body changing, different health issues, etc. I’ve looked through the dead bedroom Reddit before and have seen people not have sex with their partner in 10-20 years (that is obviously a different case). But personally, I know if sex was to become absent in my life at any point, I’d be okay.

    I may think about it or miss it, but once you realize a lot of people aren’t worth sharing that experience with, it becomes easier to deal with. After I end my FWB, I don’t want to have sex again for a year, because I feel like he ruined it for me. Sex should be for pleasure, and fun, and a way to connect physically. It shouldn’t feel like a job, and from my past experiences, that’s what it has felt like.

  2. If it’s important to you, then living without it will be hard, speaking a little from experience.

  3. I would not be frustrated if or when sex becomes absent in my life. (It’s gonna happen one day) My husband of 18 years is more important to me than an orgasm. For us, the connection is much deeper than just sex.

  4. As Ive got older I cant imagine going too long now without sex but I never thiught Id feel that way only 3 years ago as my sex drive seemed very different

  5. 35F and I get very depressed if I go too long without it, but I also sometimes get too depressed to go get it. A vicious cycle :/

  6. 33F, I like sex, but after being single for extended periods I get moreso touch starved. Vibrators are great for orgasms but they can’t give you a hug.

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