How would you feel about living in a town with ~80% female population?

  1. I’ll probably be alright with it, as long as they treat me with respect. As anyone should to a living person.

  2. Totally for it. I’m a single feme right now and need a healthy community built on love, trust, building ourselves, and empowerment! Maybe if my life circumstances change, I wouldn’t but right now where I am. Yes.

  3. I would probably feel a little bit safer, but I still wouldn’t want to talk to anyone or make friends.

  4. In practice, I’m not going to move away from my family members again. In theory, I would prefer to live in a town with a majority female population; I’d feel safer.

  5. Much safer and be able to go out at night without having to be paranoid about the what ifs.

  6. I wouldnt be comfortabel with that. Woman suck as much as men do, so I rather live in a 50/50 community.

  7. Yep pretty much in agreement that I’d feel safer just going around alone

    I really enjoy walks at night, but admittedly I’m too scared to go alone

  8. I’d love it! more friends, a more relaxed atmosphere, and as a lesbian more opportunities for me!

  9. I would absolutely love it. I feel much more comfortable around women than around men.

  10. I’d feel weird. Half the businesses around here are having trouble keeping staff right now, I wonder how much that gender skew would make things worse considering how many industries are mostly male.

  11. I’d be ok with that. Would certainly be less worried about assault, not that women aren’t capable

    If I was single and looking, I would absolutely NOT want this, though 😅

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