Crossing my fingers that I’m at 25 year old late bloomer XD

  1. Probably at like 20. I’ve never been that physically attractive but I’m pretty fucking cool and a great person, it has clearly been easier for me to date as people mature and their priorities change.

  2. 24ish tbh. Women paid attention before because I was tall and had a deep voice but it was never the women I wanted. Mostly chubby Disney/christian girls. 24-27 is when I slowly caught the eye of the type of girl I actually wanted to and had chemistry with. (I’m not being shallow, I’m an athletic aethiest load mouth who doesn’t really like Disney movies, idk why those other girls liked me.)

  3. At 27. I don’t think it has to do with age, I just got pretty jacked and well-groomed..

    I’m waiting til my 30s until I really “date” again though. In my country (the UK) that seems like the sweet spot, and I’m just not in a position for a relationship at the moment.

    25 is a good age though. Age is just one factor. You also have to account of maturity, attractiveness, confidence, emotional intelligence, status and your income. Oh yeah, being funny matters a lot too.

    All of these factors will dictate if a girl is attracted to you… or not.

  4. After my girlfriend (now wife) fixed me up. I’m a lifelong athlete so have always been in good shape. I used to just buzz my hair very short, she asked me to grow it out and groom it, grew a beard because she wanted to see how it would look and she designed some of my tattoos that I have mostly covering my arms and a couple on my chest. In the months since that all began I immediately noticed more women speaking to me unprompted in public. She was very proud of herself, but sometimes annoyed that it worked too well 😂

  5. Nearby 40. At 50 I still get mothers and daughters checking me out. Life is beautiful lol.

  6. After my 30s. Teens I was heckled and bullied. In my 20s I was quiet, overly nice, and reserved. Now… now I just don’t give two fucks.

  7. It wasn’t an age, it was a wage. And not like they were after my money. It was the confidence I had once I hit that mile marker.

    Once I had that stability and confidence in myself, they started noticing that.

  8. Bro, it’s not age. It is fitness, grooming, temperament, employment, and future potential.

  9. Age isn’t really a factor, your appearance is though. I got jacked by 20 and it has worked wonders three years later with girls approaching me of all things. Of course how you talk and act is important too.

  10. 28, but it has more to do with getting in shape, developing a sense of style, actually combining my hair, and getting mentally fit enough to do all of that with confidence.

  11. When I found myself single again at 40, I couldn’t believe how many women were interested in me. Women who wouldn’t have given me the time to day 20 years earlier were actively pursuing me. I couldn’t freaking believe it.

    I just wasn’t “exciting” when I was younger. I worked hard, had goals, was responsible and had had no substance abuse issues. I was boring….

    At 40, all of those attributes were desirable in a man. I’m certainly not God’s gift to women, I’m a middle aged, bald guy, but I get more attention from women now at 48 than I ever did in my 20’s. It’s the strangest thing.

  12. Never. It’s a stereotype that I think is fundamentally harmful – the idea that the shy, awkward guy in his early 20s, is going to suddenly attract a lot of attention when he gets a good paying job, or when he’s older – so many kids hear that, then fall down toxic rabbit holes when they realize that in their 30s it’s still the same guys who get proactive attention from women.


    Staying in shape will help (and it can make a difference if you were attractive-but-out-of-shape). Being more confident in yourself, and the idea that you have something to offer (ideally because you do) will help. Dressing decently if before you didn’t ever dress somewhat stylish can help. But for most guys, none of that is going to make enough of a difference that you’ll be in the minority of guys who get proactive positive attention (as opposed to reactive) from women. You’re still generally going to be expected to be the one initiating at any age range – the one to start a conversation, ask for the number, ask out on dates, send a first message in online dating, etc.


    So above all, no matter your age range, you will need to be able to be comfortable being assertive and forward. The most attention you’ll get from women (in general, of course there are exceptions) are not going to be them expressing interest, it’s going to be hinting or making themselves available for you to make it clear your interested.


    And I’ll note of course I’m generalizing really extremely here, but if we’re talking about “Attention from women” in general, I think it’s important to realize that isn’t a thing for many guys, not in the sense that they’re thinking of what it means to get romantic attention, which is attention that can be recognized as attraction *before* the other party has implied or made clear they’re interested.

  13. Pretty much from when I was born to when I was 4 or 5. It’s all been down hill since then

  14. The most laid I got was my early to mid thirties.

    Key points were I was on my own, home owner. Steady employment and reliable transportation.

    Also my libido was in overdrive and I wasn’t very picky in terms of looks. I just wanted to fuck without commitment.

    At that age I could hook up with older and younger. I was in good shape and I’m fairly symmetrical. Nothing special.

    Attraction came from initiation. I was actively trying, and woman like that quality in a man. Just existing isn’t good enough, you have to seek it out with energy and tenacity.

    Maybe some men can be mannequins in a window and still get attention, but those guys are outliers.

    I miss those days.

    Now I’m older, married with children and essentially invisible to the opposite sex.

  15. Once my income surpassed $100K.

    Men, if you’re in my position, be 5000% more discerning of the women that approach you when you reach that high income.

  16. I’m in my late 30’s and I get more female attention as the years go by. I look relatively fit, I still have my hair, and I smile a lot. Women tend to like these things, especially as the years grind on.

  17. Online: never

    In person: about 2 years ago when I started to truly act and feel confident in myself

    Will be 26 in a few months.

  18. When I got divorced at 32, it was *shocking* how much easier it was to attract women than it was in my early/mid 20’s before I had first gotten with my ex-wife. It blew my god damned mind.

    And I’m a pretty average looking person.

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