Mainly asking men who live alone. I’m assuming men who don’t live alone have someone to cook for them.

  1. Follow up question: why tf don’t you learn how to cook? It’s a super basic skill, and you eat every day of your life.

  2. I used to work as a grocer. There are basically 2 classes of people. People who know how to cook and people who live off of ready made stuff. They buy a lot of TV dinners, deli items, hot dogs, lunch meat, stuff that’s easy to make and requires minimal cooking.

  3. Stimulants most days. When I have food money either macky d’s or the again Asian take out spot down the street.

  4. I tell people that I don’t like to plan my meals, go shopping, prep and cook. I don’t mind cleaning / washing up.

    I learned how to cook and follow recipes early in my life. When I had my children when they were young, we would cook together.

    I look to see what “superfoods” there are that are easy to prep. I go buy a lot (I go shopping at Costco), cook them and freeze most of them. I avoid processed meals/food.

    I don’t mind eating the same thing for a while. I’ve done with broccoli, eggs, beef, and now chicken. I do have frozen veggies as well to balance things out.

  5. I tend to buy restaurant food, things from the store that I can microwave, or things that require no cooking like cereal.

    When I do cook I usually make enough food for the whole day and I let the instant pot do most of the work.

  6. Im not AMAZING but i can cook to keep myself afloat. Throw some veggies in a frying pan and then some rice in a rice cooker and some chicken with seasoning in the air fryer and call it a meal lol. Im sure that isnt really “cooking” but it keeps me afloat lol.

  7. I don’t cook, not because I’m unwilling to learn or because someone else cooks for me, but because my living situation sucks. I rent a room and am not comfortable trying to cook with the other person around. For dinners it’s often a sandwich, usually a frozen chicken patty with sliced tomato and bagged spinach or sugar free jelly and almond butter. Lunches are often some kind of fruit, usually an apple, with a handful of almonds or I’ll have a bowl of cereal. I buy a lot of those microwaveable rice packs and will mix in some canned black/kidney beans or sardines and hot sauce. I’ll often purchase premade sandwiches or wraps from the grocery store deli.

  8. Back when I was single, my diet was mostly frozen pizza, Mac and cheese, pb&j, ramen, etc

  9. I can cook but don’t have the time/energy most of the time. I always have fruit/granola/yogurt ready to go for 10ish when I get up, get Cava or similar for my 3:30 meal, and wing it after that. Usually the Cava bowl can hold me so I only need a quick snack or something.

  10. There are very few people who can’t cook. If you can read a recipe, you can make that dish. Maybe you don’t know how to do things off the top of your head, or what seasonings go with what. But if you can read, and can’t pick up a recipe and follow it, it’s not that you can’t cook, you’re just too lazy to cook.

    Which is fine, but call it what it is.

  11. I know plenty of men that do all the cooking either because they enjoy it or their SO can’t cook.

  12. I know how to cook, i just made thanksgiving dinner for 16 people but i can promise i am a lazy SOB when it comes to doing things for myself. I can barely make myself stand up and walk over to the door after my food has been delivered

  13. What? You need to expand your world. Men both single and married, all cook except for some religious nuts mired in a false image of the past from 70 years ago.

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