tried giving it some cat food but its curled itself up hope it didn’t come inside to die its the first hedgehog i’ve seen in 40 plus years.


Monday morning, prickly boi is moving well, put him on the ground and he walks, he ate a little cat food, time to release him back into garden as he seems well enough.Its very gloomy and rainy but i guess they must be used to this weather, I shall give him the rest of the pouch of cat food before he goes.

  1. Use a blanket or towel to pick the little guy up (the spikes really aren’t as scary as they look) and carry him outside. That’s what I did when one snook into my place

  2. It’s not hibernating this early so you should be fine to handle it and move it back to the garden.

    Wear gloves obviously or if you’re scared of touching it, gently slide something under it and lift it up.

    If you want you can build a hedgehog home for it in your garden, a cardboard box with some towels or newspaper is fine, you can leave out water for it and meaty cat/dog food is also fine, but try to only do this around the evening time.

    Edit: Should have said “probably not hibernating” tbh, their hibernation varies but we’re having a fairly mild autumn so it’s a bit early, generally you shouldn’t disturb hibernating hedgehogs but obv that’s easier said than done if he’s chosen your kitchen.

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