so theres thse people im not exactly close friends with byt we are okayish friends and ig the best way to be someone’s friend is to hang out w em more and so i decided to join them during free class and we kinda talked a little and then they started to ignore me and talk amongst themselves and then one of them asked her friend to come with her to do something and then they all just got up and left and didn’t invite me so i was left sitting there :/ lmao anyways of the guys theres im a little better friends with him than i am with the others and he also left and i was kinda disappointed and i don’t understand ahaha 😭 hes always quite nice to me and waves when he sees me but :/ idk why they just left me sitting alone lol

1 comment
  1. Been there mate. It sucks i know. In my experiences, i’ve been meeting a lot, like a LOT of people who acted that way even though i’ve been acting nicely, speak properly, offers help, you know just trying to be positive but they still left anyways which got even worse. After dozens of rejections, i got diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and depression, which is true because i’m becoming more aware of my actions, words spoken and always tries to imagine the most negative scenarios everytime i encountered any social interactions (which is never happened irl), heck, i always try to avoid social interactions most of the time.

    But it was long ago. now, i haven’t fully recovered from anxiety but i’ve been working on it by forcing myself think positively, throw myself to be more social, try not to worry about something that i cannot control and also just move on, find a new people to make friend with. I’ve found some, and they are a really nice people who is always ready to give me a hand and never ignores me whenever i talk.

    My personal suggestion is, move on. Find another people/person for you to make friend with. They left again, find another one! And also improve your social skills to make things even easier. With a lots of practices and trials and error, i believe you will find your friends someday! Good luck, Don’t give up skeleton! 🙂

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