My boyfriend and I work together in completely different buildings and departments but we see each other everyday and we take lunch together. Today he came over to get components and we exchanged pleasantries with a small “I’ll give you a workout later” and a knowing look from him as he walked off.

My brain is now fried, thrown into the gutter of course. We haven’t gone to lunch yet and all I can do is anticipate what we’ll do on lunch and especially what we’ll do when we meet up later after work.

It’s so satisfying, it’s difficult to work when all I’m doing is thinking about what we’ll do when we get out.

The Anticipation eats me. I’m sure you’ve all felt the same, it’s so exciting!

  1. This is absolutely the way to go! It’s the best. I feel very tempted to move in with my boyfriend but missing each other so badly is a wonderful feeling. Also, the hinting you describe is the best…!

  2. I love this feeling! My husband works away for 2 weeks at a time and it’s all we can talk about when he’s gone. Especially the last week or so is full of sex talk and what were gonna do to each other and alot of anticipation. When he gets home and we finally get each other it’s amazing! I hate him being gone for two weeks but the anticipation is such a thrill

  3. Lol no I haven’t. I don’t get turned on by something suggestive anymore, the gf might say something like that in the afternoon, but I’m smart enough to know that the chances of anything happening are slim to none. We both work full time jobs, we have two young children, and just because she had intentions of something sexy 5 hours ago, doesn’t mean shit when there is actually a chance to do it. We will both be tired, she will have a headache, and tbh the TV and couch look pretty damn inviting at 9pm.

    I use to do the same thing to her, I would say things like that, then they would never happen. I don’t do that anymore, I don’t want to make promises I can’t deliver on. We’re both 30 btw.

    Enjoy it while it lasts o.p.

  4. My husband and I live separately for work reasons so when we get together, we take the opportunity for some “special cuddles” (our code word)

    Problem is children – our 11 year old daughter has her room next to our bedroom and she’s absolutely mortified at the thought of us having sex. I’ve said to her that it means that mum and dad have a good healthy marriage

    Although I admit I’m looking forward to seeing my husband on my own so I can make as much noise as I want

  5. The best! Almost made the same post lol! My boyfriend left for work this morning and asked if i’d let him do whatever he wants with me when he gets back( i of course said yes). I was itching for him to get back later lol . The waiting just makes it hotter

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