Okay so let this be a word of caution/lesson as to why fertility tracking methods/pulling out works until it doesn’t lol

I’ve been tracking my cycles for YEARS now and they’re usually around 28-32 days with the occasional 26 day cycle, I usually ovulate between CD 14-18. I’ve also used the withdrawal “method” without fail – up until this point- with various partners for years now when nothing else was available.

My partner and I are in a committed relationship, we’re open to pregnancy/want kids eventually but are not actively trying.

Hormonal BC fucks me up bad, I also have a latex allergy + even certain latex free condoms give me reactions, and neither of us like how condoms feel. We both agreed to use the pullout method (do not do unless you know your partner(s) STD status) knowing it’s limitations and I also actively began tracking my LH levels. We were confident and having sex freely in the week during and after my period, started using withdrawal and I tracked my LH 2x a day using OPK strips once the line started getting darker.

After they got significantly lighter we started having sex sans withdrawal again, for funsies I decided to test my LH on CD22, the same day he decided not to pull out because I thought it was a safe day. Lo and behold it was AGGRESSIVELY positive. Like it was stealing the dye from the control line positive, it was 2x darker than what I thought was my previous peak. We were in what we thought was a safe period because I thought it had peaked almost two weeks ago and I had no reason to think I’d be ovulating later this month.

If we do end up getting pregnant – should know in 6-12 days lol – it wouldn’t be world ending which is why it was an okay risk for us to take.

If you are not sure on whether or not you want kids, do not rely on these methods, if you know you don’t want kids, don’t rely on these method,s if having a kid would be devastating for you, please don’t rely on these methods. It really only takes one time.

Also word of caution, LH usually only peaks 12-24 hours before ovulation so relying on that alone to avoid pregnancy is the fastest way to get pregnant.

  1. My wife prior to her hysterectomy had ultra regular 28 day cycles. Bled for 2-3 days, ovulated on day 14. Always. Tracked over many months via basal body temp, cervical mucous, ovulation tests. You could literally fill in an entire new year’s calendar with her periods, she was THAT regular.

    Until that one month she ovulated a second time.

    Our little girl turned seven this past June.

    As they say, there is a special term for those who rely on pulling out/rhythm methods for birth control – “parents”.

  2. > If you are not sure on whether or not you want kids, do not rely on these methods

    I mean… condoms have a ~15% annual failure rate with real-world use, but do you think it would go over well if someone had a pregnancy scare following condom use and said “don’t trust condoms!” ? I don’t think it would.

    The two methods you’re using are *roughly* as effective as condoms in isolation, but even when combined they’ll have an annual failure rate that results in a few % of people getting pregnant per year.

    I hope your scare is just a scare, but either way: please be thoughtful about your use of anecdotal experience to inform people about what’s risky… or not. Fertility awareness, withdrawal, and condoms all have roughly similar failure rates, and that’s been clearly established with research.

  3. All 3 of my babies were conceived using the pull out method. After baby #3 I got on birth control pills until age 40 at which point I got the hormone-free IUD. No babies since using birth control.

  4. To be honest, this reads more like a cautionary tale against period tracking. Withdrawal didn’t cause the issue here.

  5. I’ve used the pull out method with my wife for eight years now, sex is average 4-5 times a week. We wanted a child a couple years ago so I stop pulling out an she got pregnant probably from the first time. This is a period tracking problem. Not pulling out.

  6. Im not proud of what im about to tell but it is also a word of advice i guess.
    When i first started having sex ,i aggresivly stuck to condoms even tho almost every one we used broke 2-3 minutes in but oh well. One day i said fuck it lets do it raw (i was horny and stupid i know). Now we used the pull out method too but i didnt track amything i didnt take any test, an extra dumb move on my part.
    I believe it was some kind of miracle that i didnt get preagnent for 2 whole years while we were doing it raw multiple times a week, maybe im sterile maybe my partner is either way it worked out for me but i DO NOT recomend you do anything like this at all, i was dumb but now im on hormonal BC but i got lucky so please be carefull and practice safe sex.

  7. Wife and I didn’t want to use birth control either.

    I got a vasectomy, no more worries of crotch goblins.

  8. What method were you using? There are several different methods that can be considered FAM and I didn’t see you mention which one you used. They have strict rules and you risk pregnancy by not following them exactly. I don’t know which method uses LH strips, but many women track with cervical mucus and basal body temperature with success following a set of rules. Relying on previous months to predict the next month is going to be a source of failure if your cycle changes, which is why it is risky to have unprotected sex before ovulation is confirmed.

  9. >started using withdrawal and I tracked my LH 2x a day using OPK strips once the line started getting darker.

    So, if I’m reading this right, he came inside you unprotected before “the line started getting darker”?

  10. Just have your man get a vasectomy. Super quick and easy, recovery is a day or two max. As soon as my wife and I were done having kids and I had two negative tests she got off birth control. No need to pump chemicals into your body if it isn’t necessary.

  11. My daughter is a pull out baby. Be smart, and not like me. If you aren’t willing to be a parent.

  12. Ovulation sticks/LH sticks only tell you that ovulation is likely, they don’t confirm that it actually happened. To do this, you also need to be tracking your basal body temperatures. Fertility friend is a great for storing your data and confirming ovulation. Also look for changes in cervical mucus. Sounds like your body geared up to ovulate and perhaps didn’t and has now geared up again.

    My husband and I used the withdrawal method successfully for nearly 10 years. I have 3 children and each one was conceived during the first month of trying/not pulling out. So it can work- it just needs to be done thoroughly by tracking all signs.

    I hope it works out for you.

  13. I wanted to come here to say that some of the latex free condoms (like Skyn) are made from polyisoprene- which is the same molecule as natural rubber latex, just made in a laboratory.
    I find the labeling irresponsible because outside of the natural proteins found in the tree’s sap, the molecules are identical.
    Please care for yourself. Exposure leads to further sensitization and the allergy is progressive and will go airborne with further exposures.
    In daily life you might also want to avoid white out, and duct tape, as they are both made from latex or polyisoprene.

    Feel free to reach out if I can help with more information about the allergy.

    Finally, thanks for the PSA. I’m sure it will be helpful for some people.

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