When I’m (21f) not home my (20m) bf jerks off to nudes on twitter. We have a great sex life. We have sex multiple times nearly everyday. I know every guy masterbates and I wish it didn’t bother me but it does. Kinda makes me feel like I’m not good enough.

  1. I think what your BF is doing is what every guy in the world does 🙂 Nothing at all to worry about. Just know that he is entirely normal.

  2. If it bothers you, talk to him about it and maybe offer to let him take pics and vids of you to jerk off to

  3. Yeah, I masturbate to lots of different girls in porn. I don’t love them or have any emotions, it’s just physical gratification. It doesn’t mean anything.

  4. Guys pretty exclusively jerk off to other people. That said, how do you know that’s what he’s doing?

  5. Your feelings are valid and normal. Women’s imaginations are just so much better than men’s, that they’re not as interested in porn and don’t understand why men are. Men’s imaginations are not as good, so need the visual stimulation.

    That’s my theory, anyway.

  6. He has a high sex drive. these are images, not people. What your bf jacks off to is only your concern if its negatviely affecting your life or has some other ethical issue involved (or legal issue)

    Do you feel the need to be his only friend or only person he’s close to also? Can he only eat your cooking?

    You can absolutely allow this to fester and grow into a bigger insecurity, or you can accept the truth: you dont own him. Youre in a relationship because you both chose to be, but you dont have any claim on your partner beyond that. Try to accept that.

    i am curious how you found out about it, because, ime, if you know every guy does this know that plenty of women respect their partner’s privacy and dont snoop.

    Also, If this is really a concern for you you could try to make him photos and videos for him to jerk off to.

  7. Honestly, it’s normal for men and women to watch porn and masterbate and it not mean anything to them at all. Unless it takes over his life and doesn’t bother your sex life, don’t worry about it. Also if it’s bothering you this much you need to communicate that with him.

  8. First off. These feelings are normal, especially when younger.

    That said this is not some red flag. It’s hard to generalize too much but I’d say masturbation is almost a different itch for me than sex. Even if I’m having regular sex I am still going to occasionally masturbate. Doesn’t mean my partner isn’t enough, it’s just a different desire.

    As far as it being about other people, lots have different thoughts on this. For me (and my wife) we both like and enjoy porn. Sometimes we watch it together. Most of the time we don’t. Variety in visuals is fun. It doesn’t mean we don’t find eachother sexy, just being in a committed relationship doesn’t turn us blind. Other bodies are still sexy.

    Long story short, his masturbation habits very likely have nothing to do with you. It’s not any flaw in you or lack of being enough. Honestly I encourage you to explore yourself solo (not necessarily with porn but feel free). It’s good to get to know your own body without the pressure of a partner. Helps for sex later.

  9. Would you rather he had sex with you than look at it? It sounds like you two are already pretty busy but if you still don’t feel like you are having enough sex talk to him about it.

    You need to find the source of this issue and work on it. If he has a healthy relationship with porn it is just a tool he uses to get off and probably doesn’t give it a second thought afterwards. Maybe you could give him your own nudes?

    If he is turning you down for sex, or starts spending lots of money on porn, sexting women and using onlyfans or it is causing other issues then maybe he has an addiction to porn or is cheating or something else along those lines, then he has a problematic use of porn.

    You need to decide what boundaries you are comfortable with and communicate that with him.

  10. Mmm I feel like watching porn and videos is normal, but just plain photos of naked girls on twitter? That’s a little odd to me, and it would definitely make me uncomfortable.

    Have a conversation about it with him and then take it from there. Just remember you’re allowed to feel uncomfortable about the situation don’t let him make you feel otherwise

  11. It means nothing and it’s natural. That said, I do prefer to masturbate to my girl’s nudes when I’m in a relationship.

  12. Idk about jerking off to the actual people on twitter but as a woman I do watch porn even when I’m in a relationship and it really doesn’t mean anything. I’ve never cheated, I’ve never wanted to have sex with other people while in a relationship, porn is just… porn.

  13. Using visual aid for masturbation is very common for both males and females. It definitely does not automatically mean that all these people pick the current visual aid over their partner(s).

  14. what girls don’t know is that there is a difference between masturbation and sex
    sex is where 2 people try to pleasure each other
    masturbation is me deciding i want to play alone with my dick and do whatever my mind wants to do or see

  15. Really depends on your boundaries or personal rules. If you dont feel comfortable you should talk to him. But physical attraction is normal and doesnt mean he will leave you for another woman. Its just simple need being fulfilled on the off time

  16. Personally I think if they’re masturbating to random women, I wouldn’t be bothered

    If its women they know, I would be

  17. You either have to dedicate your entire existence to fulfilling your bf’s sexual needs or just chill and accept that he can deal with his sexual urges in a way that doesn’t require you to be on standby.

  18. I mean yes I masturbated to porn and naked people but still crave my partner greatly and I’m a woman. So yes can work that way for me. Hot people continue to exist despite you being in relationships. Learning to embrace that and accept it will help

  19. I masturbate to my gfs nudes. And normal pictures.
    And 0retty much anything
    Nothing gets me as ahrd as her pictures

  20. My bf recently told me he has a porn issue. I thought he was on reddit and PH watching videos or whatever and then I found out he had subscribed to a free onlyfans out of “curiosity”, was looking at pictures of girls on a hooker site for pur area, and almost exclusively chooses reddit forums with nudes rather than videos of sex. It bothers me a lot.

    He insists its just to jerk off and get off quickly but it makes me uncomfortable and the onlyfans thing was cheating to me (I’m sure I’ll get downvotes but watching porn on PH and subscribing to a girl are different to me and this was a boundary that was discussed. Any advice to work through it would be nice.)

    Talk to him about it, be honest about how it makes you feel. My bf told me porn and having sex with me are completely different, but I know as a Woman, the ways we view porn and sex are different and its hard to get through.

    I guess don’t take it personally. I’m trying not to.

  21. Have you ever thought about another man or sexual experience while having sex with your boyfriend? Kinda the same in a sense.

  22. Guys can have full on sex with other women and it not mean anything to the man. We are built like that.

  23. I think you are good, he’s just gratifying himself and the fact that you are having sex multiple times daily is a good sign that he is very attracted to you.

  24. Random nudes? Or nudes of people who he knows or can have contact with is a huge difference.

    If it’s just random then I’d say it’s not alarming and shouldn’t be worried about to much.

    If it’s people he knows, then I’d be a bit uncomfortable with it.

    As a guy, my porn habits don’t reflect how I feel about my partner or sex life at all.

  25. I masturbate because sometimes it’s nice to just focus on my pleasure and not worry if my girl is enjoying herself. Now if my girl was constantly giving me blowjobs and jerking me off to the point that I couldn’t get an erection then I prolly wouldn’t masturbate.

    You can try that with your bf. Tell him whenever he’s thinking about masturbating to let you know so you can service him. I suspect you’ll quickly tell him to just handle it himself cuz you’ll get nothing done.

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