On a third date with this girl I matched with originally on fb dating, we decided to do a movie date and go to the theaters. I was the one that originally bought the tickets ahead of time. As tradition whenever I’m dating other partners, we always end up sneaking snacks or food into the theater cause we’re not going to overpay for that ridiculous priced food or candy LOL. In a joking manner leading up to the date, I gave my new date a heads up thru text that she better bring the biggest purse she has so we could sneak snacks in. Thru text she basically laughed at the comment and we went back and forth thru friendly banter. But she basically said she won’t be my accomplice. So yesterday was the date, before going to the theater, I stopped by Walgreens (like I always do for snacks for the movies) and got candy/drinks for both of us. I had an idea of what she liked candy wise and drink wise so I got her a coke and snickers lol. When I arrive to the movies, she’s waiting outside the theater and she was shocked seeing me carry a bag with snacks in it LOL. She seemed immediately turned off by the idea of it. Idk if she thought I was joking the whole time. Basically she had a small purse and she was like I’m not helping you sneak that stuff in. She ended up putting one of my candy boxes in her purse while I put both our drink cans in my pockets and other candy in my back pocket LMAO. But I could tell my her body language she was pissed alittle. Anyway she didn’t think I’d be able to pull it off and get caught, but guess what, I was able to get my muscle milk and runts into the theater along with her coke and snickers 🤣🤣🤣🤣 just a funny story I wanted to share.

*Update* I texted my date from yesterday asking her if I made her feel uncomfortable because of putting her on the spot with the snack situation. Do note it seemed like we still had a good time at the movies yesterday and she did text me when we both got home she had a good time. She actually reached out first today asking me how my Sunday was. Here’s her response about the snack situation:
“I honestly didn’t want to do it but after giving it some thought I know you were just trying for us to have a good time eating snacks lol so do not worry, I am overrrrr it lol”

  1. Lol that’s funny, I always take snacks to the movies, she better get with it lol

  2. Cute would have been to buy the snacks, sneak them in yourself secretly and produce them as a surprise during the movie.

    Pre-buying them and expecting her to put them in her purse is just a bit cheap and embarrassing.

    It’s like sure you’d can get a voucher for a cheap meal at a restaurant but would you use it on a first date? Or would you use it when going out with friends…? I know which would make the wrong impression. And with those first few days, impression is everything.

    You just gave her the ick. That’s all.

  3. If you had snuck em in it would have been fine. Asking her to do it is like taking her out to a restaurant and trying to get her to dine-and-dash with you when the bill comes.


    Also possible that cutting out her involvement wouldn’t have solved this. Some women just don’t like that kind of thing.

  4. So…you are cheap?

    If the ten bucks you saved by buying things at an overpriced drug store vs an overpriced movie theater is the difference between going on a date and not going on a date, maybe you should stop dating until you get a better job.

    SHE realizes this. YOU don’t.

    OH and movies are for WATCHING a movie, not for fucking grazing like you are at home. Thanks for unwrapping shit and chewing with your mouth open during all the quiet scenes. Appreciate it.

  5. She told you she wouldn’t be your accomplice and you did it anyway. Wtf dude

  6. It is a rule that make sense. It’s the same as a restaurant, yes it’s more expensive but it’s spitting on the face of people who run the place.

    Maybe the overpriced food also pays for the cleaning service that has to deal with your leftover or drinks can between movies.

    If you were all teenagers I would understand. But as an adult this is ridiculous if you can’t either pay for the food, or watch a movie without eating candy.

    Since it’s in dating advice. My advice would be respect yourself

  7. Do people not regularly sneak food and drinks i to the cinema abroad? It’s pretty normal here I’d say. Food and drinks in the cinema is like 5 times more expensive than the supermarket 😂

  8. “She tried to set a boundary and acted pissed when I stomped all over it. LOL. I’m not a red flag at all!”

  9. Those overpriced snacks are how the theater earns money to stay in business. They have to give back 60-70% or more of ticket sales to the movie studio. And if the movie isn’t exactly a blockbuster then the theater is pretty much screwed. I understand that the prices for the snacks are ridiculous, but it’s a necessary evil if you want to keep watching movies on the big screen. That being said…it just makes you seem cheap, as if she wasn’t worth the money. I mean what’s next, from her point of view, you faking choking to get a free meal?

  10. Some people are just rule followers. Uncomfortable with stepping outside the box.

  11. ugh…poor girl. I feel sorry for her. I can assure you she is no longer interested in you. If I were her I would have left on the spot.

  12. She said she was clearly uncomfortable with the idea and you persisted?

    That’s the baseline.

    It honestly doesn’t matter how stupid the idea is, if you’re willing to push someone’s boundaries on something as small and petty as that, what else are you going to push?

    You should’ve got your own snacks, snuck them in yourself, and THEN if she complained, that you either didn’t get her snacks or whatever, you would’ve had a fair point.

  13. How old are you? I assume you are youngish. So maybe this is a thing.

    I dated into my 30s, and if I pulled that stunt with the women I was dating? They might possibly lose their shit. Third date, too. She is looking at a future relationship with sneaking food into events, ordering only water in restaurants and endless coupon cutting.

    It’s a date bro. Buy her some popcorn and move on with your day. This has to be a troll.

  14. Congrats on possibly being the biggest loser this girl will ever go out with.

    …And he came on here to gloat?! D’fk?’

  15. Some people would.be chill with that, other people wont.. she got pissed not because “you snuck snacks into movie theater lol” she got pissed because she said NO and you didn’t cared. she basically told you twice she won’t be part of that and you still insisted..not a very good thing to do specially when you are just dating..

  16. It’s the fact that you pressured her into breaking the rules, too. You made her uncomfortable and she likely felt at least a little disrespected.

    I’m not against sneaking candy in at all, but while I’m doing it, it is a little uncomfortable. I would never do it on a first date and if a guy I barely knew pressured me into sneaking full sized candy in my small purse, I don’t think I’d feel too great.

    It would’ve been really cute if after she said “no thank you” to helping with the rule breaking, you just stuff smaller candy into your pocket and pulled some out during the movie. That would’ve been a sweet gesture because it would’ve showed you respect her comfort but you still wanted to enjoy some candy with her and went out of your way to get that experience without nudging her.

  17. Muscle Milk while watching a movie in a theatre. That’s all I took away from this.

  18. That’s not funny, that’s cringe. How cheap can you be to make someone else super uncomfortable by forcing them to break the rules for you and then you act like they should have brought a bigger purse for your snacks. Ew

  19. GYAD, Imagine her disapproval of me, a person who double fists gas station tall boys in the back row.

  20. Well, the ai won’t help you should have clued you in. Idk what it is with people thinking banter is excuse to ignore what the other person is saying. Even if it’s just a joke, you shouldn’t have made her be an accomplice. Like I don’t sneak food inside and I am always disheartened when my date does it. But it’s such a minor crime that it’s ridiculous to get mad about it. I have never seen anyone be dragged out because of it and few of people working in cinema told me they basically don’t get paid enough to give a crap.

  21. On my first movie date with my boyfriend, I wore leggings and a big sweatshirt and put a bottle of wine down the front of my leggings and covered with a sweatshirt, we’re engaged now.

    Find someone that matches your energy and your silliness, you deserve it.

  22. I’m surprised that OP, and a lot of people in the comments, don’t understand her reaction. As a girl who carries a purse, I’ve been asked to sneak a lot of food/drinks into various venues. I’ve been kicked out for it and banned from venues because of this, including a movie theater. And it’s ALWAYS because of someone else, because I would never do that myself. I like buying popcorn at the theater. So yeah, I’d be hella uncomfortable too. I hate being pressured to break a rule I’d never break myself, all for someone else, and then I have to pay their consequences. Seems dumb but as a movie buff, I didn’t appreciate being banned from my local theater because my date wanted Cheetos.

  23. All I’m sayin is if my date snuck in candy, I KNOW they’re the one ❤️

  24. Well Op I’m glad you thought it was funny, because I don’t think there will be a 4th date.

  25. I’m a guy and I find it tacky as all hell….

    I can deal with tacky after we were in a relationship but during the dating phase it would scare me off.

  26. I don’t blame you one bit. Shit’s expensive these days with inflation….going to the movies, eating out, etc are all very expensive and have risen much faster than CPI inflation, at least in my area. The people over-extrapolating that you will pressure her into sex or that you’ll never spend money on her are wrong. They can go back to the weird little fantasy bubble they live in where money doesn’t exist and the world revolves around them. It’s funny how people are always so liberal with other’s wallets, but when it comes to their own it’s any justification possible to avoid paying.

    If management doesn’t pay the employees enough to care about people sneaking in food, then it seems like a management problem, not anyone else’s. I suggest you operate like the same businesses you frequent …if the rule’s penalty is too small to matter, then break it if it saves you money. Rules for thee and not for me.

  27. Just reading all the “LOLs” and “LMAOs” in this post and replies makes me uncomfortable. Never known a person to type like that who wasn’t an awkward fuck in real life.

  28. Whaaa?? Doesn’t everyone do this? I literally just snuck in Reese and choc raisins to watch sonic 2 with my son earlier today lol

  29. My goto snack at the movies is nachos. Have fun hiding that heated jar of cheese under your nutsac.

  30. As a date, she expected you to buy her popcorn and a drink at the theatre, you definitely struck out

    It’s obvious by your post history you have trouble with dating, you should probobly really reflect before not taking criticism in the comments

  31. Bro, bring a drawstring bag in. Don’t force your first date to do something like that.

  32. It’s not illegal to sneak snacks; just frowned up right?

    I literally just has to go food put in my gfs purse just last night and I have always told her this when she gets nervous about it. Now I’m questioning the person who told me.


    A friend of mine had a great system for breaking small rules like this one.

    1. Someone has to catch you.
    2. This person has to decide if they care or not.
    3. If they care, then next they would have to figure out where the person with the authority to deal with said issue is. (A lot of people give up here)
    4. By the time they do all that, you can ideally be done breaking the rule or at least gotten rid of most of the evidence.

  33. The courting period is a little fragile. Something like that could make the girl think you are trying to get a cheap date in, that she isn’t worth it in your eyes. I know, ridiculous, but it just is.
    It’s like taking Tupperware for leftovers to someone’s dinner party that you’ve only met twice. Not okay then. But okay if you’ve known them longer and you are friends.

  34. I think once you’re in a relationship and just casually going to the movies, this kind of thing is cute and funny. But I would be annoyed too— there’s something sweet about going to the snack counter, getting a popcorn and candy, etc. on a real date.

    She told you straight up no and you did it anyway, maybe don’t do that in the future because her “I’m over it” WILL escalate lol.

  35. Doing illegal stuff / breaking the rules sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable. Just talk about it and apologize.

  36. As long as you were going to a big chain theater, that’s Okay, but the ticket costs go to the movie, not the theaters. The theaters make their money off of the snacks. Which is why they are priced so high. I the the theaters start making money off of the ticket sales 3/5 weeks into a movie’s run.
    So try to keep the Mom & Pop movie theaters in business by buying snacks from them.

  37. If you’re not down for sneaking food into the movie theater, I know we aren’t compatible. Does it look like I’m paying $25 for popcorn, a soda, and a candy bar when I could get a bag of chips, a candy bar, and iced tea from the store beforehand for $5?

    I’m glad she’s seemed to come around, but I’d take note of it. If she’s like this for this, will she not be down for other fun/money saving things?

  38. I’ve snuck tacos into the movies theaters before 😂 and she’s mad about candy 🙄

  39. Why do 20 something’s think they are inventing the wheel all the time ? Anyone who pays for candy at the theater needs to buy this bridge I have for sale , DM me!

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