My wife and I are currently trying to get through the abundance of freezer food with hoarded over the last few months, we tend to always eat fresh food and I kinda forget the freezer is even there. When I was a kid we ate exclusively freezer food. How often does it end up on your plate?

  1. Around once a fortnight. Chicken Kiev or breaded cod/haddock with some kind of potato product and peas. Generally when we’ve both had a long work day and it gets to around 6 with neither of us having given the evening meal any thought

  2. Once or twice a week but our freezer food is either leftovers from a home-cooked meal, food my MIL cooked and gave us or it’s stuff like bean burgers that we then add fresh food on the side to make a meal.

  3. Only thing we eat from the freezer is frozen pizza, I do like making them myself with a quick dough recipe but still time consuming.

  4. Once a week-ish, but it’s usually homecooked things that I’ve made extra of to freeze rather than bought frozen food. I’ll usually have some fresh food with it e.g. salad with lasagne, fresh courgetti with meatballs etc.

  5. Fairly frequently. I am a) lazy and b) a working single parent who’s also in uni. I have neither the time, inclination or energy to cook everything from scratch.

    It isn’t massively unhealthy freezer food and there are always vegetables involved, but freezer food is a life saver.

  6. I only eat frozen veg, everything else I eat fresh now. I grew up pretty much eating whatever was on offer in Iceland

  7. I used to eat it most meals. I ate fruit and veg too so I thought I was being healthy enough. Ended up getting prediabetes. Fixed it in no time by increasing my healthy fats, eating less carbs and more fresh simple food.

    Nowadays I eat it about once a week and mostly stay clear of stuff with crazy long labels of chemicals and bad oils. I have occasional junk treats.

  8. I like a chicken pie but apart from that everything is fresh, I really wouldn’t miss the freezer if It broke

  9. Do you mean processed food, or food you’ve made and frozen?

    I do 12 hour shifts so can be guilty of shoving burger or kiev and chips in the oven when I get home. But on my days off we have things like chili or curry or lasagne and we make plenty of portions from scratch and freeze some. Then I can just zap them in the microwave after a shift and I’ve got a quick but nutritious meal.

  10. Once or twice a week, usually batch cooked leftovers. Also eat frozen veg almost daily – peas, sweetcorn and spinach.

  11. Eldest child has sensory issues and is a fusspot so sadly we have freezer meals a lot. It’s either that or I cook two different meals for everyone each night. Thankfully he will eat carrots, peas and broccoli so it’s not a totally beige diet.

  12. A lot. I work and study, plus go back and forth between my place and my partners. So I don’t buy that much fresh stuff as I don’t want it to go off and ending up having to bin a lot. I can also get sometimes outrageously cheap frozen food from farmfoods.

  13. I do a lot of batch cooking, so fairly frequently – but that’s all stuff I’ve made from scratch.

    If you’re talking about processed ‘freezer beige’, we have a freezer pizza maybe every 10 days, or mozzarella sticks maybe once a month, and that’s it.

  14. We eat freezer food quite a bit, but it’s not always what I would consider unhealthy. Frozen veg stops a lot of wasted fresh food in our house as we have so many “can’t be arsed to chop it up” nights after work, so we chop/freeze straight after buying it. We probably have two “chips and something” freezer meals a week. Love a good beige dinner lol.

  15. I meal prep as I live alone, and probably eat meals that I’ve cooked and then frozen about 3 times a week. In terms of meals I have bought then frozen, perhaps once every two weeks.

  16. We eat frozen food once a week, on the evening that we do the weekly shop, because by the time we get home from that ordeal neither of us can be bothered to cook from scratch. Highlights include:
    – Breaded fish, chips & peas
    – Pizza & salad
    – Chicken Kiev, wedges & sweetcorn
    – Steak and ale pie & mixed veg
    – Sausage, potato waffle & baked beans

  17. Like oven cooked chips? Frozen sausages? Pizza? A lot of food freezes well.

    What’s the alternative? Cooking some bits and covering it with a jar of sauce? Still premade.

    Unless you’re cooking from scratch, sauce and all, it’s all the same.

  18. Freezer contains mostly portions of stews or Bol sauce or chilli that I have made previously and frozen. Contains the obligatory frozen veg and fruit. Some vegan meat substitutes and ice cream. We also have fresh meat I have frozen into portions. We will occasionally have fish fingers, chips and peas which is what I would call a freezer meal

  19. It depends. A lot of my meals are just cod or Quorn from the freezer, with a jacket potato or rice or something, and veg. Does that count as freezer food?

    If we’re on about freezer chips and fish fingers and stuff, probably once a month, but when I was a child, I was much fussier, so at least half the days of the week!

  20. Very variable, but once a week on average for frozen food and once a week for frozen leftovers/batch cooked stuff.

    Chicken Kiev’s usually go down well.

    Kids have actually gone off dippers, which used to be an easy meal (with lots of raw veg to try and offset the indulgence).

    Fish fingers.

    And frozen veggies as add-ons to fresher meals – peas, soya beans, broad beans sometimes.

  21. Chicken Kievs are an easy staple for a quick meal. I actually prefer the cheap frozen ones, Aldi’s are £1.99 for four. Stays together nicely, you get a juicy spurt of garlic or cheese from within, goes together with some oven chips or mash. There is the frozen battered fish too. Once a week I’d say.

  22. If you’re talking food from the freezer then 3 times a week but they’re usually Blue Peters that I’ve batch cooked previously. A proper beige buffet is saved for a rare treat usually with a hangover

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