Enough questions about what you like in a woman or things you hate about being a man, what about just guys being dudes? Be it deep moments, a weekend hangout, or general tomfoolery, I’d love to hear it!

  1. Doing silly things. And laughing like idiots for the most simple things.

    We were all happy. But we didn’t know. Sadly most communication with the boys fell out with time.

  2. Halo ,and call of duty with my cousins

    This is actually how I got my no sleep record of 2 days and a half it was summer break of 2013 and we spent everyday of this break playing video games and eating everything we want it was honestly one of the happiest years of my life

    Then my cousin’s parents were divorced and things just weren’t the same

  3. After my GF broke up with my on my deployment to South Korea. I took leave and went back home to visit my friend. He wanted to cheer me up with a BROS night out and we went to a fancy restaurant and bought me dinner. It was a super romantic moment.

  4. I was with 2 guy friends, and we ended up talking about the internet where we are. I commented that it was weird P’hub would load faster than Youtube at times cause Youtube woud slow down so much. One of my friends said something like “OHH YEAH!”or “I know right?!” and he high-fived me. Felt like ‘one of the guys’, and I still like to think about that feeling every now and then.

  5. High school, folks out of town. Three friends and I decided to go for a drive. Nowhere to be, just…going.

    Stopped at a Denny’s at maybe 2am for food and coffee, hours and hours from home but just having a good time playing music and joking around.

    Headed for home and as it happened we were close to a lakeshore as it was getting towards sunrise, so we parked and watched the sun come up over the water.

    No plans. No schedule, but everything lined up Just Right.

  6. Backpacking across the Americas. I’ve officially been to every country except Venezuela. It was after a very bad affair so this was their way to get my mind off it. Took 6 months, got fired, used all our savings but it was damn worth it. Though fuck mountains, and fuck anyone who wants me to climb one again.

  7. when i cut my hand open at work, we was just talking shit and having fun while waiting for the boss

  8. Anytime I see them, we have been there to support each other in our darkest moments and there to celebrate life’s victory’s. There isn’t one moment that stands out as a favorite but more a feeling of strength built over all those little times.

  9. We used to buy the cheapest old car that still ran from the classifieds on a Thursday night. Get a load of beers and our tents and go out into the bush out the back of my mate’s family farm on the Friday night to camp. Saturday we would all have turns in the car. Try to jump it, try to roll it, try to pull down tree’s with it and whatever other stupid shit we could think of; then blow it up on Sunday morning before hiking home. Amazingly no one ever really got hurt. We were 16 and our parents knew what we were up to pretty much. It was for the time (late 1980s) pretty typical rural New Zealand male behaviour. Times have changed and certainly for the better. Can’t imagine my 21 year old son doing anything like this. But we had a hell of a time.

  10. About a year ago, I was at my friends house with another friend. We’ll call them B and S.
    We had walked home from school together. I went without my parents permission as I was grounded.
    While we were there, I got a text from my mom telling me my uncle was in the hospital. I curled up in a little ball and started crying. I remember S ordering pizza, and B sitting beside me comforting me. S joined us and we all sat on his bed and cuddled. He called it “Balls Time”. No idea why.

    I ended up falling out of a tree later due to my own stupidity and getting a concussion. B got it on video and I still watch it from time to time.
    We went home, watched Shrek, ate pizza. We had a great time.

    I miss them.

  11. That we all used to hangout with each other, until the day each one started a serious relationship and stopped talking to each other. Nowadays, my friends only interact via social networks.

  12. I find a specific memory to pinpoint but camping around the fire with a slab of beer is always a good time.

  13. The boxing and MMA matches we had after school. We would all meet up at a friend’s house and fight each other. It was fun watching your friends fight and cheering them on

  14. My friends and I used to hang out and fly frisbees in the street at my house, until the wee hours. I lived in a residential neighborhood and there was no traffic. We would get high, drink a few beers and just chill.

  15. Original Halo LAN parties. Me and my friends beating my older brother and his friends in Halo.

  16. My brother and I were interested in trying out D&D, and found out someone lived very close by that was offering to host a game. It was nice to know someone who shared such an interest lived in walking distance, but we also didn’t know the guy, so we weren’t going to put all our eggs in one basket. To our delight, not only was he fun, but another guy that showed up seemed fun too. Over the course of maybe three years, our group grew, only letting go of two players. We would play D&D, and other games, maybe two or three times a week. We were always happy to see each other, and became fast friends with each new member. Unfortunately, we live in California, and while my brother and I are lucky with our living situation, most prices for living just became too much for most of our friends. Ultimately they had to move to pursue education, jobs, or just keep a roof over their heads.

    I think it almost a year passed when one of the guys who moved wanted to come down to visit for his birthday. Catching wind of this, another friend (lets call him “Baker”) wanted to surprise the birthday boy (lets call him “Freddie”) by coming out to see him too.

    On the day of Freddie’s arrival, we ordered some food, talked each other up, he snuggled with my dog (who obsess over each other), until a knock came at the door. My brother opened it to, none other than, Baker. Freddie rose to his feet like a catapult that had been fired; stunned, yet brimming with energy. He was even more excited now because were going to get some of the guys together to play a game of D&D the next day.

    Meeting up at a friend’s house, everyone was all smiles, excited to be around each other again. We were even going to get another friend, from Utah, to “join us” using Discord. The problem was, her kids can be wild, and a bit disruptive once in a while, and they chose that day to make it very difficult for her to listen. She excused herself, saying she needed to shut up her brats, but to *our* surprise, she opened the door to the room we were using, telling us to quiet down.

    That day our entire group was back together, and it happened in the most unexpected way.

  17. Drinking in the woods from the back of a tailgate and having to poop in the woods and trying to figure out how to wipe while my buddies shout unhelpful suggestions. lol

  18. Went camping in college with my two friends. Friend N and friend M

    We set up a tent and N and I slept in the tent while friend M insisted on climbing into a tree and trying to sleep up there (He was a weirdo lol)

    Well N was basically playing one sided gay chicken with me and kept trying to get all cuddly with me. I was annoyed but whatever.

    We ended up falling asleep and I woke up a few hours later with something wrapped around me, I was disoriented and started to scream. Me screaming woke up N, who also started to scream and hold onto me even tighter.

    Both of us screaming woke up our friend M who then FELL out of the tree above our tent and landed into our tent, but the zipper was closed. He started thrashing around which made N and I scream even more and cling onto eachother, making M freak out and start screaming as well

    We then realized I screamed because I woke up and felt someone on me, and it was just N, N was screaming because I was screaming, we both screamed more because we thought M was a bear, and M screamed because we were screaming

    Great fucking times lmfao

  19. Don’t talk with these people anymore. But playing GTA 5 online till the early hours of the day.

  20. This mission in GTA 5 when I was in like high-school. We kept doing it over and over and losing money, my two friends always did it fine and so did I but my partner always died when it came to parachuting at the very end lol, she died like 20 times and we gave her alot of shit and all had alot of fun lol. I’m engaged to her now so she forgives me, hates the other two tho haha.

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