I (25f) have been dating my bf (29m) for about 2.5 years. We were friends for a bit before and have been long distance for over a year now. When we started dating, he was moving to another country for school. (We are crazy, I know but hopeful. ) I knew this would happen. A little while into our relationship he asked me to move in with him on the island he went to school at. I initially said yes, and then got cold feet and decided I wasn’t ready for that yet. So we decided I would move in at the end of the year instead of at the beginning of the year. I know it hurt him when I decided to stay and not move, but I truly wasn’t ready. our relationship began to turn for the worse. It seems like all of our fights lead back to, “This wouldn’t have happened if you just moved here” and “I told you that this would happen, you didn’t move here”He used to make time for me once a week for a virtual date, but after I didn’t move in with him- they slowly declined and now we have none. He would say he needs to study and he doesn’t have time, but I would see Instagram stories of him out on the town with all his friends, literally every weekend. But I can’t get an hour phone call because he is too busy with school. I expressed that this hurts me and again, his response again always goes back to “this wouldn’t happen if you moved here”
Which is true, I guess. But moving to another country and uprooting my life that I love here was something I’ve never done and was scared to do.. I feel like he should understand and not throw it back in my face every time we have a difficult discussion. This has been going on for a year. He says he associates me with pain and when we are together he doesn’t want to sleep with me . He doesn’t open up to me emotionally anymore, and the last time I tried to open up to him about something- he said , “I need to go to sleep, it’s late. I don’t know what you want me to say” Ive tried to be there for him throughout so many hardships of his. And I feel like when I have a difficult time, he’s never there anymore. But he says he loves me. The end of the year is coming and my lease is up, I’m moving to the other country in a couple weeks. We haven’t had a date since March. And things feel awkward. I don’t know what to do. I guess I just need advice and someone to be real with me. I love him and am in love with him but I feel so much resentment and I feel abandoned by him. Maybe in the same way, I made him feel abandoned when I said no the first time he asked me to move. I gave up my job, my friends and my life and have put so much time into this for almost three years. We are so close .

TDLR: I (25f) closing the gap with my bf (29m) soon by moving to another country. I don’t think he loves me anymore though.

  1. If you have to ask yourself this question, if there is any doubt, it’s probably a waste of time.

  2. It kind of sounds like he wants you to do most of the work to keep this relationship going. I’m sure he loves the idea of a girlfriend just moving to him rather than him doing the work and finding someone there who ~~can’t~~ can accept his lifestyle. I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to move countries for someone unless you two are gangbusters for each other.

    Edit: typo

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