Pretty much my gf (f23) cheated on here Bf (at the time) to be with me (m24). I didn’t force her or make any moves towards her when we hung out. Things just sorta exploded and we had sex last holiday, after that she dumped her Bf and we were kinda exclusive after that til we committed to dating each other.

(We’ve been dating since March, and been with eachother since December of last year)

My worry is that she’ll cheat on me? I’m kinda wondering If “once a cheater always a cheater” is true. She has told me she did have a hoe phase in college, she managed to sleep with 14 dudes and only 4 of them were relationships. She hasn’t given me a reason since we started dating to be suspicious of her, I’m just wondering what are your guys thoughts and advice?

Tl:dr scared my GF will cheat due to merky past

  1. She cheated on her former BF to fuck you. You are incredibly naive to think that she has any loyalty in her at all. When she gets bored with you, she will find another dick to ride.

  2. She already cheated on you and you aren’t skilled enough to know. These platinum hoes know all the strategies.

  3. Seriously, shame on her for cheating, shame on you for being the accessory to her cheating. “Once a cheater, always…” isn’t 100% of the time true, however once someone has done it and gotten away with it, they are more likely to risk it again. She came out and told you she had a “hoe phase” and that she slept with 10 guys who were not relationships. If she is willing to call herself a past hoe, what makes you think she will be faithful to you now?

  4. If you think she won’t cheat on you than you’re exactly as gullible as her ex was. She really knows how to pick them chumps.

  5. If you got her through cheating, you can absolutely expect her to do so again.

    Even if she beats the odds and stays committed, you’ll probably always be suspicious of her at least. People can change, but not easily.

  6. So she cheated on her ex to be with you… Yeah, mate, great start for a relationship. You both suck. You had sex with her knowing she had a bf, so drop the “I didn’t force her or make any moves” bs excuse.

    I won’t be surprised if there’s another post from you in a few months saying she cheated on you.

  7. She cheated on him to be with you, you’re a fool to think she won’t / isn’t already cheating on you.

    But, you have it coming. With any luck you’ll be broken hearted but wiser and she’ll end up with an unknown……rash. Lol

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