Before everyone jumps on it, I mean platonic friends.

  1. I would think so just based on my own experience. I have several female friends that I spend time with that we aren’t sexual in any way. I even have a female workout partner I ride bikes and run with pretty regularly.

  2. Yep, I’ve worked in a fairly female dominated environment pretty much all of my working life, some of my closest and most trusted friends are female. My girlfriend works in a predominantly male dominated environment, a lot of her closest friends are male.

  3. Yes, but it’s a fine line. Women are aware that most men will bang them if they have the chance so that will be in the back of her mind. If you TRULY only want platonic friendships then it can work but it might take some convincing.

  4. Yes they can be friends. They can also be bf-gf, too. In both cases, they must have realistic expectations of self and each other. Otherwise it won’t work out.

  5. Yes. Because. I have platonic friendships with women and it has worked for me so obviously it’s possible.

  6. I don’t think so. Speaking for myself, I’ll always have a whisper what if she….

  7. Of course they can. It may require restraint if things start to get personal, but there is no reason you can’t be friends without it becoming more.

  8. in a prefect world sure, i dont know if i have any female friends that i become friends with just to be friends. my male friends have been the better friends to me in every situation.

    so the answer is Yes, but really no

  9. Bless everyone who found a true female friend, but I have never seen it first hand. I’m really close with my mom and sister, but outside of relatives, it was always the same.

    It was usually one-sided and exploitative and rarely ever qualified as what I would call a real friendship. Girls used their “guy friends” for cheap attention, validation and as emotional tampons and the guys just played the long con to get laid.

    But my experience of course isn’t objective truth. Here is to hoping you guys have seen better.

  10. My eternal response to this is: of course. Why wouldn’t they be able to be?

    By any of the logic people use to say they can’t, all of us bisexual, pansexual, etc. types would be shit out of luck being friends with anyone at all.

  11. I’d say it depends on when and how they meet if a friendship will be successful. Also, how long they’ve known each other. But in the most general case yes.

  12. Both yes and no, it depends of what were the other one’s intention at first and if they believe in platonic friendship to begin with, I don’t think you can be friends with someone who didn’t wanted to only be friends with you to begin with.

    This is just my opinion, not the universal truth.

  13. We must stress the only reason this question is so common is because of The Friendzone and Friendship.

    The Friendzone is a parasitic place where lingers are placed to be ghosted at best and emotionally abused at worse. It can happen to women but predominately is done by women to men. Men you try to make friends with that don’t seem capable of being your friend are just that, not capable of being your friend, which is not because of some inability for male and female friendship, but by the simple fact, he is not interested in being your friend at all and only wanted to pursue you romantically.

    Friendship is where the desire to fuck is gone, or irrelevant. IE If your profile in my head has the Friend Box checked then the Relationship Box or Fuck Box is greyed out and deleted. Just like when I take my sister out to go see a movie and then we go back to my place to drink a beer and play some Wii Bowling. I do not even consider once about plopping my sister onto my bed and fucking her. You as my friend will be just like that. The idea of fucking you will be as foreign a thought as the idea of trying to get laid by your own sister after hanging out. It just doesn’t exist (insert Alabama joke)

    The answer is yes. Men and women can be friends, men as a gender get demonized as not wanting or being capable of having friends and I despise that. Men want friends, Men need friends, and Men are not only capable of having friends that are female but often do have friends that are female. What most men, besides the type you see all too much online and amongst younger men, don’t want is to be Friendzoned. That is not a starting point, that is a dead end. Not for him, but for you. The moment a man sees you as a friend you stop being seen as a relationshipable woman. You are just a friend.

    Men can be friends with women if women stop leading men on.

    Men can not be friends with women if they intend on getting into a relationship with them. It is ulterior and impure.

    Men in the friend zone of women, even men who didn’t intend to pursue her in the firstplace but are still put in that spot mentally, are treated as either tool for her self-esteem or as emotional punching bags for her negativity. If women can give and take, provide emotional support, and be there for their male friends then of course friendship can exist. Male friends behave towards women exactly the same way they behave towards their male friends, if you are being treated entirely different or catered to in some way special, then that man also does not view you as a friend but as a relationship target (obviously, if you recently went through something tragic this doesn’t apply)

    As with everything, literally, everything has exceptions. The exception does not disprove the rule, the exception proves the role, for without the rule being true an exception would not exist.

  14. Of course

    One of my close friends was a woman, and she ended up carrying me and my husband’s baby

    Sadly we’re no longer friends but there’s no reason opposite sexes can’t be friends.

    If they “can’t” this just further implies that women are nothing but sex objects to men, which isn’t the case at all, and it also implies that men can’t keep their sexual urges to themselves or not let it take over them like a wild animal, which is also a gross statement

  15. Yes and anyone who says otherwise (man or woman) only sees the opposite sex as sexual tools.

    Obviously there may be individuals of the other sex that you’ll never be able to be friends with, but other than that, we’re all people and people can be friends

  16. Yes, and (assuming you mean straight people) the only precondition on either side is your life needs to *not* revolve around your sexuality.

  17. Yes and no. Can a fat kid avoid eating cake? Only when they’re already full/not jonesing.

  18. I always befriend the average-looking women and I’m real sweet to them so they introduce me to their attractive friends who are looking for men to meet, hehehe.

  19. Yes and I actually have plenty of female friends and It helps if you’re not shallow minded.

  20. It’s almost impossible if the man is single and the woman is not dumpshit ugly. But if the man is already in a lovely relation then I don’t see why not

  21. Yes, if everyone is honest. The problem is most men aren’t. They act like a friend but are just waiting around for a chance to smash or actually have a relationship.

    This is where you see complaints about being friendzoned. They wanted a relationship, but the girl didn’t.

  22. As long as she’s not trying to use me for validation or relationship benefits, the friendship stands

  23. I’m friends with lots of women. No big deal.

    Just drop the ones that try to sleep with you or the ones that bring you down.

  24. I’m friends with lots of women. No big deal.

    Just drop the ones that try to sleep with you or the ones that bring you down.

  25. Absolutely. Two of my best friends are female and we’ve been friends of over 10 years. Never been anything more than platonic friends. When we were in different halls at uni we used up stay in each other’s rooms depending on which was closest to a particular bar. We’ve been there for each other’s life events good and bad. So long as you know where to draw the line between flirty joking and actually flirting its never a bad thing

  26. Yes, you can have friends of the opposite sex. You can have close friends of the opposite sex with 0 romantic feelings. It’s very possible.

  27. It’s very very very very rare. In the majority of cases one person always likes the other and out of all those cases the majority of the time it’s the man who likes the woman.

  28. Yes. I mean you aren’t going to find every woman you meet attractive. Also you might find them attractive but that does not mean that you will like them on a deeper level other than just friends?

  29. Yes absolutely the bits someone has between their legs has no bearing on whether we can be friends or not

  30. They do all the time. Why? I dunno, because they like each other but aren’t trying to screw each other.

  31. In general, like on the whole, not really. Otherwise it would be super common and people wouldn’t have the need to ask this question 1000 times a day on Reddit.

    It of course can happen, but in general it is usually the woman who wants the friendship and not the man.

    Guys don’t want to share their feelings with the guy friends or their GF, do you really think what we are missing is just that one female friend we can share all our secrets with? No, that’s not how it works.

    Looking at it, the few female friends I do have are all wives and GF of other friends. And they are “off limits”. We wouldn’t be platonic friends if they weren’t dating my buddies. But I can draw that line with friends GF’s, not every guy can. But that doesn’t mean I don’t find them attractive.

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