Any advice is helpful

  1. Still on the app? Or texting? I always say something witty, yet tied to my desire to connect with them and continue the conversation.

  2. All depends on how deep you’ve gone.

    Very superficial a couple of back and forths:

    “You one of those sign flippers on the corner of Main and 9th? I swear I saw you in a chicken suit flipping a “50% off” sign just now.

    A bit of back and forth, good conversation that was equally weighted for 10+ rounds:

    Use something specific you talked about, ex. Music.

    “I know we broke up, but can I have my records back? I miss my Queen albums.”

    If you’ve talked for days and had a lot of back and forth, reference several things and be silly:

    “Hey Backscratcher, seems like your phone finally bit the dust. On your way back from AT&T, pick me up one of those burritos you love so I have a full stomach before we go out on our date.”

    These are very low % plays, but it’s about the best you can do.

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