I’m going to try and keep things pretty vague here because I know she uses Reddit.


So, I have been friends with this girl (Lets call her TG) for basically forever. And about half a year ago I realized that I actually liked her. In the middle of 7th grade (about the time I started liking her) her family invites us to a local restaurant. twice, in fact. Then we went to the town square and got ice cream together because her mom has a business there and my mom would be doing errands so it kinda worked out. Needless to say, we hang out a lot, kinda date-like, but without the whole dating aspect.

Fast forward to the start of 8th grade and the class is going to a camping trip. TG isn’t going. I got in a car group with my friend who we’ll call M, a girl who I was friends with who was already in a relationship, well call her RG, and a few other girls. We start to play truth or dare. Its my turn and RG asks who my crush is. I answer truthfully and everyone is like, “I knew it!” Turns out the entire class thinks we are dating. We are not (yet). So I tell them that and they are so confused. Apparently, a running hug and/or constant hugs isn’t a normal friend thing? Anyhow, over the trip RG and her boyfriend RB help me develop a plan to confess. I was supposed to do it a while ago but I’m too scared. We share so many interests, same age, same school, joined the same year, we are basically clones of each other if someone swapped the genders around. What do you think? I don’t really know.


TL;DR: I have a crush on a girl that apparently I’m oblivious to but I’m too scared to confess and don’t know what to do.

  1. Ah yes grade 8 crushes – I remember those days! IMO you will always regret NOT asking her out. You may regret asking her out. I typically rolled the dice and went for it.

    Spoiler alert though – this relationship has exceedingly low odds to survive very long at this age.

  2. I remember my first crush. Either tell em or don’t. They either like you or don’t. Rejection is a part of life, get used to it now.

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