I am SO TIRED of trying have a good time in bed with my husband. The idea of sex at this point leaves me drooling because I am wildly deprived of it. I don’t get it. I don’t. I’ve offered to provide him with any sexual fantasy his brain can conjure because I’m mostly into anything, BUT HERE WE ARE.

I’m raging just wanting to have sex with my husband and I get laid ONCE A MONTH. Then guess what!? Finally get my once a month sex last night and it lasts for about A MINUTE AND A HALF before he gets off and is done.

This is making me absolutely insane. I am not and will not cheat, I am also a fiercely loyal wife that truly loves her husband, but MY GOD.



Sorry for acting like a lunatic and thank you for coming to my TED Talk. I needed to let loose about this somewhere and any advice is appreciated.

  1. r/DeadBedrooms may be able to help.

    Really though, you need to talk with him. Maybe it’s a stress thing and he can overcome it, maybe his testosterone is low or he’s on a medication that’s killing his.

    He may even have ED issues and just too proud to talk about them. But it will all start with talking to him about it

  2. I have the sane problem. Wife wants me to wrap it up after 20 minutes. At that point I’m only warming up. Any longer and she can’t walk well for a day or two.

  3. As someone else’s mentioned talk to him and find out if something is going on with him. Also figure out what sex is for you so you can talk to him about it. It may seem only like a physical release but it’s an expression of love, or however you feel. You really need a heart to heart with all honesty, and feelings open and present.

    Then could you possibly come up with or fantasize some non PIV sex acts and ask if he’s ok in participating in those when he’s not in the mood for intercourse. Could be him participating at any level, oral, manual, or having you do yourself while he’s cuddling you, talking dirty to you while you use toys, and present them to him during that open discussion about sex but also have that discussion at time that he won’t feel pressured as if you’re begging cause he rejected you. I know some of it sounds weird although awkward at first it may end up being more satisfying than you think.

  4. Communication is lubrication! Yall need to be talking about sex outside the bedroom regularly. Sounds like he has some very deep seeded insecurities or is embarrassed by his own fantasies or kinks. He just might not even know what he’s really into. Play games, fill out yes, no, maybe sheets.

  5. Communication is everything. But set time aside and be fully focused. Also you can do things to make it more fun and interesting-my man knows I am always trying to up my game. His game is beyond professional.

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