So I (5’7″) like this girl and she is taller than me (she is about 5’10” I think). I want to talk to her more but I’m scared. I have in the past been called by some girls that I liked, “shorty”… I was also told, “I’m not interested in shorter guys.” So I am wondering if there are any girls that would date a guy that is shorter than them?

  1. If she’s 5’10” then I guarantee she’s already dated shorter guys. I dated a guy who was 5’6” and he said he dated a woman who was much taller than him for a long time. I would embrace that “shorty” nickname. Make it work for you! My sister intentionally chose a short man to marry because she feels less intimidated by him and wants to be able to kiss him without getting on tiptoes.

  2. The height thing is, with a few exceptions, a secondary preference, for everyone. Don’t obsess with it, specially when you’re a perfectly normal height.

  3. Not a girl, but I am feminine presenting. However, if I was taller, like 5’10, I would most DEFINITELY date a guy shorter than me, and preferably a girl the same height or taller. Short guys aren’t unattractive, some of y’all are super cute.
    You could try dating apps, but post your height there. Could ask girl friends whether they think height matters too. You’ll find not everyone cares.

  4. >Would you date a guy that is shorter than you?

    That’s a silly question to ask this sub. You don’t care if other girls would date a guy shorter than them, you only care if *this 5’10” girl* will date guys who are shorter than her – or more specifically, *you*. Obviously doesn’t help if she dates shorter guys but of a different race/look etc.

    I’ve met girls who are 5’0″ who say their cut off is 6′ no exceptions.

    I dated a 6′ girl in college (I’m 5’9″) who didn’t have a problem with shorter guys because the pool of available men above 6′ is slim, and she would still have to compete against those 5’0″ girls who say 6′ or nothing.

    Just ask her out. She could say yes. Or she could turn you down for something other than your height. You can’t know unless you ask.

  5. Go for it. I am almost 5’10.

    I have dated men as short as 5’7.

    They were very confident and sexy.

    Be your best self.


    I wanted to come back and add.. those men never, ever mentioned their heights. They just pursued me like it didn’t matter. I remember one guy I went out with, I wore my highest heels.. towering over him… we had the best night.. the best…..

  6. I’m 5’7″ and I’ve been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 years who is about 5’5″. Sure, I always preferred the idea of dating someone at least as tall as me or a little bit taller, but I never cared as much about height as much as most of my friends did. For me, I cared much more about overall looks and personality fitting my preferences/type than height. As someone else said it’s just a secondary preference that didn’t matter as much to me. Some girls it will be a primary preference, some it will not.

  7. I think an important thing to realise about reddit, and online discussions in general on topics like this, is people primarily say things to affirm their association with a certain ideology, not to try and describe or understand reality. Particularly on a tiny super specific forum like this. There of course will be some girls who will date shorter guys. If you want to know how many, go out and look at the statistics of how many girls are taller than their partners. Go and look at the numbers on height requirements on Hinge, etc. These are the facts that people online like to pretend don’t exist. This sub will have a selection bias of people who want to proclaim how progressive and elevated above dating norms they are. But they are not the norm, and they are not reflective of reality.

    edit: just to add I’m not saying you shouldn’t be confident or shouldn’t go for it. But I just hate the total blinders that people have online when it comes to obvious facts about the dating world.

  8. Girls will date guys shorter. They won’t date a guy who’s super insecure about their height. The average male height is 5’6”. Don’t worry about your height. You can’t change it. Worry about who you are. That’s what attracts women.

  9. >So I am wondering if there are any girls that would date a guy that is shorter than them?

    Yes, of course there are.

    Whether or not *she* is one of them, is something you’re just going to have to ask her to find out.

  10. Height matters to a *lot* of women, so take those saying it doesn’t matter with a grain of salt. Shoot your shot, that’s about all you can do.

  11. I was willing to and was so ready to learn new ways of dating to accommodate him.. but he was horrible and tried to be a douche so I could ghost him.. so I ended the convo

  12. Personally, I wouldn’t. I’m 5’9 F and all I’ve heard my entire life is how tall I am and when I’m with a boy over 6ft it makes me feel small. It’s weird but it’s just how I feel

  13. i’m 5’8”-ish and my boyfriend is 5’3”. i’m more attracted to him than i have been to any of my previous interests/dates. he’s handsome, funny, kind, intelligent, confident; he lights up a room, and i absolutely adore him.

    go for it and be yourself! put your best foot forward and get to know her!

  14. Sure, I went on a couple dates with a guy who was shorter than me and it wasn’t an issue. I am 5’6 and he was 5’5. It just didn’t work out, but height wasn’t a factor that was an issue.

  15. fuck this stigma. i’m so done with it. i’m 6’5″ and girls aren’t throwing themselves at me. the only thing being tall ever got me is everlasting back pain and always bumping my head.

    if the girl is obsessed with your height than she isn’t worth worrying about. it’s your heart that matters.

  16. I’m 5”11 and dated someone who was 5”6 for yearssss! The only time it is ever an issue is if someone is insecure and takes it out on their partner.

  17. The fact you asked this question shows you are not secure enough to date taller women. Taller women will date shorter men. They WON’T date insecure shorter men though.

  18. I would . As I’ve gotten older I realize i would rather have a short guy who treats me right than a tall one who doesn’t. Height isn’t everything. Also this might be the perfect time to try. I notice there’s girls saying ” we love a short king” now and it’s just because the guy treats them right. Good luck in your dating . The right woman wont care if youre short 🥰

  19. I’m 5”10 and i wouldnt.. just because i prefer a man my height or taller and shorter guys in my experience always feel insecure about being shorter and bring up the height difference

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