(18F) and my close friend (18F) have been good friends for a couple of years but ever since last year, I feel scared and frightened by her because she slaps my face for small and stupid reasons.

One example was around November 2021 where we would be in school sitting next to each other in class. I made a small silly joke about her and a boy she crushed on. This joke wasn’t offensive or rude and she knows that but she still proceeds to slap my across the face really hardly with a crowded class. None of my other friends behave like this, its just her. Sometimes it wasn’t only the jokes that caused her to slap me.

Feb-Mar 2021 my school attendance was horrible. Most days I wouldn’t attend school due to health issues concerning my family. The thing is, every morning we walk to school together and she was really angry the fact that I had to stay home. But the days I go to meet her in the morning to go to school, she gives me painful slaps across my left cheek and dirty looks because i didn’t attend school with her.

She acts like she doesn’t have any other friends when she does. We both have seperate friend groups because shes one of those ‘popular girls’ and im those ‘quiet girls’.
Recently, she slapped me extremely hard to the point i wanted to cry and i was holding back tears and she was apologising so many times like she hasn’t done it before.

Now everytime im near her or my own friend group, i always tend to flinch and my friend group always ask if im okay but really im not. Im not sure what to do.

  1. She’s not your friend she’s an abusive bully. Stop being her friend, if your friends ask why then tell the truth. If she continues to hit you then report her or if it really gets to it fight back to defend yourself tbh I would have hit her back a long time ago

  2. She is using you like a punching bag, she is counting on you being quiet to not say anything. She has done it so many times that you flinch involuntarily.

    Say what is going on to other friends and your parents, end this friendship, and if it were me… If she slapped me, I would slap back really hard. You need to be your best advocate.

    Good luck

  3. You’re being abused and assaulted by her. This is not a “friendship”…. this is a toxic bully abuser. You need to get away from her. You need to tell your friends what is going on, your parents- anyone- don’t keep this bottled up.

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