They are not official but they have been dating for 3 months. He is really sweet and he is an engineer he is handsome but also a bit quirky. Anyways they go out twice a week and one of them is usually a nice dinner, which she brings back some take away food back for me. Anyways the thing is that she has an active friends with benefits who is screwing her at least 3 nights out of the week. Her and her new date are not intimate or exclusive so I guess there is nothing wrong. Should I do anything? Or mind my buisness? Its just he literally pays for ALL the dates and has bought her a teddy bear, earrings and always brings her flowers etc.

I am pretty sure her date isnt seeing anyone from convps we have had. He doesnt know about her fwb

Tl;Dr: Friend is dating an engineer who is really sweet but the whole time screwing an exchange student from Jamaica she is supposed to be mentoring

  1. >Her and her new date are not intimate or exclusive so I guess there is nothing wrong.

    So why do you think you have to “do anything”?

    >Its just he literally pays for ALL the dates and has bought her a teddy bear, earrings and always brings her flowers etc.

    And that is your business…how? Your roommate’s dating life is her concern, not yours. Doesn’t matter if you agree with her arrangements or not, because they don’t involve you in any way.

  2. Personally, I’d talk to the roommate and ask if the guy knows about the FWB and tell her it looks like she is using the guy.

    and depending on her answer I’d maybe be looking for a new living situation.

    You know there is 0 chance she has been honest with the guy.

    I wouldn’t tell the guy and you didn’t say she was a friend so it’s not really your business but it’s ok to not associate with people who have different values than you.

    If you are friendly with the guy he is going to blame you along with her when he finds out.

    I’d also stop taking the food…

  3. Not really your business, tbh.

    but if they get exclusive and she still hooks up with FWB, then I might tell him to save him the time and suffering.

  4. they’re not exclusive and they’re not even labelled as boyfriend and girlfriend per your own story. you seem a little jealous.

  5. Your heart is in the right place. Do not listen to most of these comments made by seemingly sociopathic people without a shred of empathy.

    Your roommate is 100% using the engineer. He is for sure thinking that he is being respectful by taking things slow while she is getting fucked by someone who is using her for sex, she will deserve the heartbreak she gets when she finds out her FWB wants nothing to do with her.

    The problem of saying anything to the engineer is that you still have to live with your roommate after things will blow up because engineer boy will not take lightly to find out he is being used.

    Also, stay human. Be kind. Don’t ever behave like your roommate.

    There are stories on Reddit about guys years into a relationship finding out that when they first started dating their current SO, she was “taking it slow” with them while being fucked by someone else. So even if things work out for your roommate and engineer boy, shit will come to light eventually and he will be still heartbroken except having wasted years as well.

    Edit: I read some of your post history. Yikes. Sounds like you and your roommate have a lot in common. My comment still stands though regarding people being heartless and how engineer boy does not deserve any of this. I hope somehow he gets away from both of you and finds someone who appreciates him. Both you and your roommate need to do better, be better humans. You two are the reason why men end up being bitter about dating and women in general. Stop using them.

    I deleted some content that seemed not right after having read your posts.

  6. these comments amaze me, saying she ain’t doing anything wrong. she most likely is leading him on just to get free stuff. if roles were reversed and it was a guy leading a woman on, everyone would tell you to tell her and stop hanging with him

  7. I think it’s best if you stay out of it. For all you know, maybe he is aware of her seeing the other guy. You don’t know what their deal is or what kind of relationship they have.

  8. Ten days ago he was a lawyer and now he’s an engineer? Something is not adding up here.

    Your roommate sucks. I hope the guy finds out and dumps her, because he deserve better.

  9. He may have to learn this the hard way. And once he does, he will no longer waste his time and money on these types of women. As much as it would be good to tell him I don’t think it is the best idea. He will probably find out soon.

  10. If you’re going to say anything, say it only to your roommate. And gently. “I don’t know the whole story, but from what I see you might end up hurting Dorkus McEngineer. It doesn’t matter to me one way or the other, but Just so you know.” And leave it at that and mind your own business.

  11. > He doesnt know about her fwb

    He deserves to know that she’s seeing other people, if for no other reason than to protect himself. But otherwise this isn’t your business.

  12. Mind your own business maybe? If they’re not exclusive yet you don’t have a reason to care unless you like him.

    The comments here about OP being this amazing person are so stupid and reek of pick me, cool girl garbage.

    You basically know nothing other than they aren’t even exclusive and intimate yet. Mentioning what he buys for her is irrelevant. You do realize people can date multiple people in the early / courting stages right? Leave them the fuck alone.

  13. My friend dated a guy for 8 months before they agreed to be exclusive. It happens. Leave it alone.

  14. Lmfao all of your other posts are about how every man is in love with you immediately and how could poor lil you deal with rejecting them sad face. Sorry this one isn’t. Mind your own business

  15. You sound jealous. Mind your business and keep enjoying the nice meals she bring back FOR YOU!

  16. You sound a little jealous. I would stay out of it. Who she dates is her business and you don’t know the whole story.

  17. You just sound jealous that your roommate is getting a lot of attention. None of your business? She will be exclusive with the engineer man when and if she wants to be, it’s their relationship.

  18. Are you sure you’re her friend? If so, you’re a pretty shitty one. Mind your own business.

  19. It’s pretty immature that you’re even asking this question. It’s not your relationship/situationship/whatever it is. Stay out of it unless you’re specifically asked for your input.

  20. It’s pretty immature that you’re even asking this question. It’s not your relationship/situationship/whatever it is. Stay out of it unless you’re specifically asked for your input.

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