I’ve always been a old school type of guy. I believe the man should be out working, while the woman is taking care of the kids and the house. Does that make me a sexist being old school? Because I’ve been constantly getting it lately when I have nothing against women?

  1. Is this a trolling question?

    If not, I guess the question is *why* do you believe that?

    This isn’t pre-industrial time when women literally had to be home to feed babies breast milk around the clock, were constantly pregnant because birth control didn’t exist or wasn’t allowed, and if they were lucky enough to survive multiple child births would die when they’re 40.

    Society is less materially scarce, people live longer, we have, especially women, have more options than even a few decades ago.

    Like if you live in a super resource poor place, where folks are barely staying alive, that’s one thing.

    But if you live in any sort of advanced economy, then yeah dude, you’re just sexist. Times have changed.

  2. It leaves out a whole pile of women who don’t want to do that, so they take offense. Those same, many of them, feel they would have to be forced into doing that to be with a man they really like otherwise. So, if you change they somehow feel validated.

  3. yes you are sexist

    being sexist doesn’t mean you hate women. it means you think they belong only in certain roles, are only good for certain things, and those roles and things are in-equivalent to men, and often completely inaccurate

  4. I dont think its sexist to have those preferences. It becomes sexist when you expect men and women to fill specific roles rather than try to find someone who already has similar preferences as you.

  5. It’s not sexist to want a stay at home wife and mother for your family plans. It is sexist to think that it is the only choice. I support either parent being a stay at home parent. If I married a woman who is passionate about her career, and makes enough to support a family, I would be happy as a stay at home father raising the kids. I think this is an unlikely possibility, but I’m open to it.

    For now I’m progressing along nicely as an HVAC tech and making enough to start a family when I find the right woman who wants to have a family with me.

  6. Just old fashioned type values, there are still some women who wish to be in this type of relationship

  7. Traditional values tend to force women into those roles.

    Would you try to force a woman into staying home to cook/clean/take care of the kids even if she didn’t want to? Is it a preference or an expectation for you?

    If it’s an expectation, than you’re probably sexist.

  8. Those traditional roles are a myth that never existed. They were propogated by 1950s television shows.

    For 14 generations back to a manor in Britain my and my wifes ancestors all had working women in the family. Farming, textiles, clerks, cattle drivers, saleswomen, prospectors, church musicians, and pioneers.

    You might not be sexist, just ignorant. Take time to learn the real contributions and roles women have brought to humanity throughout history so that you don’t accidentally have bigoted ideas.

  9. No
    Don’t fall for the 3 generation feminist man hating garbage.
    Real women like real men
    Be yourself there are others out there like you.

  10. Are you actively telling working women they should be home, or have babies, or belong in the kitchen? Or are you just generally searching for a partner who shares the same values? There’s some missing information here. If it’s the latter, no, you’re just looking for someone your looking for someone you’ll be compatible with. If it’s the first…. Hell yes.

  11. No it doesn’t. It wouldn’t be cool for you to try to force a woman to adopt that role if she didn’t want to, but there is nothing wrong with seeking a woman who already wants to play that role. I’ve known many women who openly said they want to be mothers and stay at home and raise the kids and be homemakers. If that’s what they want, then it’s actually very sexist to discourage that. There are women like that out there, typically in more conservative circles.

  12. People that say gender roles are outdated or a relic of the past are so ridiculous. Technology has progressed, but human instinct and behavior hasn’t changed in thousands of years. Just like ancient humans, we breath air, eat food, have sex to make children. Gender roles maximize each genders strengths in order to facilitate raising children and mating for life. If women aren’t supposed to stay home with children, why can’t men breastfeed?

    The other big thing that pisses me off is people call wanting gender roles sexist. Yet, those same people are the real sexists. They want 50% female CEOs, but I don’t hear a peep about women’s representation in waste management, construction, managing the electrical grid, etc. These people are cool with freeing women from gender roles, but not men. That sounds pretty sexist to me.

    Men and women both bring unique talents to the world, but they are different. Therefore we should have different expectations for each gender, hence, gender roles. Every THING in the world was built by men, and every PERSON in the world was built by women. That’s our respective roles. People can cry sexist all they want, but men can’t birth children. That’s why I’m the history of every society, once women get the upper hand as they have in America right now, the birth rate plummets.

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