Alright, I’m not sure if this is the best subreddit to ask but I figured it’s worth a shot.

Recently, I’ve gotten into having acrylic nails. It’s really pretty and I love it, but the problem is I just can’t fully enjoy myself when masturbating. I’ve read posts regarding how people go about masturbating with acrylic nails on, but honestly, fingering just… hits different for me. When a nail broke off after I had acrylics for the first time, I was extremely relieved.

I want to keep getting my nails done, but was thinking of keeping at least two nails short. The problem is I’m a little embarrassed to be asking. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be embarrassed about masturbating but my nail technician is a very sweet, old lady who I kinda see as a mother now so it just feels awkward for me.

Does anyone have any creative excuses I could use?

  1. You’re a harp player and need those two fingers to pull the strings.

    Your coffee machine has a really weird button that’s really hard to push and you can’t do it with longer nails.

    Or literally: your cat doesn’t like getting her head scratched with longer nails. I like this one the best 😂

  2. You know, very sweet old ladies have been around the block a few times too. Mention your issue to her. She may have a solution.

  3. Look around like your about to admit to a crime. Tell her your you dont want to scathing your bf in a “delicate place”. Then give her a “you understand” look. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)

  4. Just tell her you need two nails short so you can still finger blast yourself. Problem solved.

  5. Just a heads up, that’s the unofficial signal for being gay 😄😄

  6. Just tell her you want them short cause you like the way it looks better. We aren’t in the industry to judge!

  7. Just say you need those to do daily tasks like buttoning your pants, opening a can of soda, taking out contacts, untying your shoes, etc.

  8. Tell her it’s so you can finger your boyfriends butt, spares you the embarrassment of telling an old lady that you masturbate like everyone does. Or better yet ask the old lady how she manages to masturbate with long nails, I bet she has more than one method

  9. If you feel the need to lie, then you could tell her that it interferes with your keyboard functions.
    If you don’t care, then just tell her that you want those two kept short.
    You don’t owe her any explanation at all.

  10. Braider nails. Professionals braiders usually have 2 short nails in both hands to braid with

  11. You could start by saying something like “I want these two nails short. Thanks!”

  12. I mean you don’t need a reason, just tell them to leave them short. That being said, this is reeeeeaaally common for lesbians that like to get their nails done, so be forewarned, you might get some looks lol

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