What are your thoughts and experiences of people who ghosts another??

It came out of nowhere. He had been sleeping, cooking and just being together for weeks, as in 5-6days a week, every week. His family know about me.
Kissing in public, I’ve met his friends and he has been at my job and he even kissed me in front of my colleagues.

He said he needed to be alone after I couldn’t get a hold of him for a whole day (really unusual for us) and said I haven’t done anything when I asked. It has been more than a week and a half now since he disappeared. I didn’t want to hound him for an answer but should I presume it’s definitely over?

  1. Honestly, I have no idea. I’m a man. If I did all of these things you listed with a girl. No way, I could simply fade away from her life like that. I don’t understand how a ghosters’ brain work.

  2. >He said he needed to be alone

    It’s not exactly ‘ghosting’ if he told you that he needed to be alone.

    That being said, if he’s needed 10+ days to be alone though, it’s safe to assume it’s over, done and dusted. When you say, together for “weeks” how many weeks? If it’s 2-3 weeks, that’s sad but not uncommon. If it was 52 weeks, then he seriously needs to explain himself.

    10+ days of radio silence. Life needs to go on. No point in waiting for him to come back and no reason to take him back if he does – you don’t want him to do this to you again.

  3. Honestly sounds like someone else came into the picture for him. Or there was something he suddenly discovered that he doesn’t like about you or that he sees will be an issue. Whatever it is, when a guy ghosts like that it’s because he wants out. I’d start moving on.

  4. Check in with him after 1 or 2 weeks, ask him how hes doing, let him know ure concerned of him and u will respect his space if he continues to wish so. He could be going thru some tough time and didnt want that to affect his relationship with u.

  5. I think it’s the disrespect and nonchalant attitude that makes me so confused what he is thinking since everything before this was so thoughtful and nice- pure quality. We could just be, didn’t have to do something extra to manage to be together… just be.

  6. In my experience something or someone has popped up, and he doesn’t have the mental capacity to give you the focus you deserve.

    Give him the space. I know it’s agony, but you’ll find out. Doesn’t sound like a true ghost.

    I’d say an ex has re appeared causing drama, or something of the sort. Chin up. You’ll be ok

  7. Don’t give him the satisfaction of reaching out to him. He wants to be alone? Let him. Go out and live your best life!

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