Hi I (19m)met this girl(19f) about two months ago now, we get along very nice and every time we are together we have an amazing time. When we first met we agreed that none of us wanted a relationship. But as I keep seeing her I think I started to like her. How should I approach this because I feel she likes me back but i feel she is afraid about the idea of having something serious. We only see each other at events that common friends invite us. What should I do about this ?

  1. Tell her you like her and that you want something beyond fwb. Only real way to know. If she says she’s not interested in pursuing anything further, end the fwb.

  2. FWB is not working for you, so shoot your shot – lightly.

    You want to scratch that ‘something serious’ stuff from your vocabulary at this point. I’d say, next time you see her and you’re vibing, be like, “hey, let’s not hook up tonight, how about we just go out sometime the two of us?”

    You’re telling her you’re interested in something more and denying the sex is a good first step in backing off if she’s not interested.

    “Why can’t we just keep doing what we’re doing?”

    “I don’t know, I guess I just think you’re pretty awesome and I’m interested in spending time with you in a different way.”

    Any other questions or pushback, just step back and keep it moving like nothing happened. At this point, continuing to fuck her is a terrible idea for you.

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