what is the most ridiculous thing someone has ever gotten mad at you for?

  1. My SO and I once passed an obviously Chinese restaurant. He said “I wonder what they serve there” and I replied “Chinese food?” He got mad at me for being a brat.

  2. Bought a candy bag and my friend told me very sternly that I couldn’t offer any to her as she was trying to lose weight. Ate all the candy on my own and got yelled at for not asking her if she had changed her mind.

  3. I went to my friend’s house one day in the middle of summer, and she answered the door in a thick hoodie. I asked “aren’t you hot wearing that?” and she went off at me saying “why are you so rude? I have a fucking fever!” as if I had any way of knowing that.

  4. A customer at a café I worked at asked for a hot chocolate with espresso (which is essentially a mocha). I rung him up for a mocha and he kept saying “No, it’s a hot chocolate with espresso.” Now, if I rang it up that way, you’d be paying an extra 3 dollars for the same thing.

    Tried explaining it but gave up when he started yelling.

  5. I was asked for my unfiltered honest opinion, when I gave them exactly what they asked for all hell broke loose. Don’t ask for the truth if you are not capable of handling it.

  6. A guy a knew yelled at me because I saw him out in public with a woman who was not his wife. It was not necessarily a romantic setting, they were both just standing there, I literally thought nothing of it, and I don’t know his wife. I think I walked by and said “hey Jake!”. That was it.

    Anyway he was extremely upset that I was apparently planning on telling his wife he was cheating. Which had never entered my mind until he said that.

    Anyway dude was clearly cheating lol

  7. Farting. Not in some fancy schmancy situation, just in my own home. In hindsight, I am aware that the reason I had horrifically smelly farts like that along with other bowel issues is because I have celiac disease, and it wasn’t diagnosed yet. I didn’t know that then, I just sometimes had really smelly farts. I farted, and my partner lost. their. shit. screaming and yelling at me about how if I’m going to make smelly farts, I need to just go take a shit and stop farting. This is a partner who was using their mental illness as an excuse to abuse and torture me, and who refused to get a job after coming out to me as trans so I was the only one paying for everything while also trying to be supportive. But yeah, I wasn’t supposed to fart in the home I paid for. Glad that asshole is long since in my rear view mirror.

  8. I find this ridiculous. AN OLD CLASSMATE OF MINE BEING MAD AT ME BECAUSE MOST OF OUR MALE CLASSMATES HAD A CRUSH ON ME. But, now she’s with this guy who also liked me. They even have a child now. Lol

  9. I introduced my crush to my best friend. My other friend decided we weren’t friends anymore because it wasn’t her, haven’t spoken to her since.

  10. A girl got mad at me because I corrected mistake she said… she said some girls lost their virginity while horseback riding because they’d get an orgasm because of the friction of the clitoris.

    The clitoris has nothing to do with your virginity, though. I told her it was possible to lose your virginity while horseback riding but only because the hymen might break. She got full red-face-tantrum mad at me and even asked multiple people in our class to tell me I was wrong… of course I wasn’t. Then later she said ‘did I say clitoris? I meant the hymen. I just used the wrong word’

    Like girl, don’t try to lie now. You talked about orgasms, it’s not like you said anything about clitoris tearing.

    Anyways, I knew I was right and it was so funny to see her get so worked up about it 😌

  11. I wore makeup. I worse some tinted sunscreen, lipgloss, and a bit of mascara. It was middle school and this was basically every girls makeup. A friend of mine got mad at me because my parents allowed me to wear makeup while her parents didn’t, she felt that out of respect to her I should not wear makeup as well. For a few days she was very rude towards me but eventually apologized.

  12. My ex used to ask me if I wanted to go out to eat or get some McDonald’s then get extremely mad at me because I would agree and we would go eat but apparently I was suppose to stop him and discourage him because he was trying to lose weight and I was a bad influence

  13. Someone I was once friends was offended that I “defended” Meghan Markle and Christine on Selling Sunset. What I said was that MM was a harmless woman who didn’t deserve to be treated as she was by the tabloids, and that Christine was a necessary and entertaining part of Selling Sunset because reality TV needs a villain and it’d be a more boring show without her. But somehow it was a sign of poor character in me and a red flag about my personality that I didn’t want to trash talk the exact same celebrity strangers she hated with her.

    In the end I stopped being friends with her because I realized she only wanted me around to pull her up and make her feel better, and when I was going through situational depression myself, she distanced herself away from me and said she thought I ranted too much and wanted me to only say upbeat, positive things around her.

  14. My ex-hb got really angry when I fell in the river and nearly drowned. When I was dropped at home by the woman who jumped in and saved me, he went off, angry with me for letting it happen. Ex for a reason.

  15. My “friend” got mad at me for not showing him enough gratitude. Now, he was giving me a lift and I was getting off in the middle of an intersection before the lights turned green again. I was anxious (who wouldn’t?) and only blurted out a short “thanks dude ttyl” before hurrying away. Got home only to see paragraphs of angry texts because that apparently wasn’t enough. No this isn’t the final straw because we only hung out very sporadically and were only involved in each other’s life on a surface level. I truly didn’t understand how anything I did could warrant such a reaction and promptly cut him off.

  16. An acquaintance of mine was infuriated that I didn’t ask her to plan my baby shower. My mom was planning it and it was 8 hours away. I didn’t even think she would want to come! But no, she wanted to host! And she had never hosted any type of event before. She was fuming that my mom was the lead and not her. It still baffles me

  17. My son, at the time who was 7, was mad at me that I didn’t invite him to our/my wedding……16 years prior.

    He was pretty pissed he missed the party.

  18. I met my stepmom’s friends for the first time (I was in college when she married my dad) and they got pissed because I was “shoving my money in their faces with my expensive clothes.” I was wearing a Gap hoodie that I got from an outlet store. On sale.

  19. I nicely told a kid who sneezed all over my grocery cart (during the height of covid, no less) to cover his mouth, and his mother went O F F on me (she hadn’t said a thing to him about it).

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