I have some female coworkers who all have boyfriends. To make things short, they basically wouldn’t mind if they partners gained weight because that would mean that other women would find them less attractive and that means those men would be less likely to leave them. Initially I was shocked and thought “There’s no way this is common”. But tbh I don’t really know. Do you know if many women think this way?

  1. I’ve heard this before. That men gain weight when in a happy relationship. Because they aren’t trying to find someone else, they are happy where they are.

    Sure, that could be true for some. But, I find it to be BS.

    You should be who you want to be for YOURSELF.

    *Funny part is, I’ve never gained weight, always been the same. But, been with many girls who gained weight over the years lol.

  2. Some study came out a while back that stated couples were happier when the male half was less attractive. Argument being that the women were less concerned about cheating. So I can see them valuing stability over attractiveness.

  3. It’s a spectrum, really. Some people just want to have a super-duper hot parter and be the envy of all their peers. Some might prefer a partner who probably wouldn’t be sought-after by others; therefore someone they can consider “safe”. I’ve noticed a lot of men and women like to accuse the other sex of being exclusively the former.

  4. It is quite common, especially in a relationship that the guy tends to be able support them a lot more than others, so they want to keep that to themselves.

    However, that landscape is changing bit by bit over the past few years and are starting to see guys not really give a crap anymore and staying in much more peak shape, which for better or for worse is scaring the crap out of their partners.

    Overall, there is a ton of dynamics going on, whereas one might feel this is a boon while another might feel that is isn’t.

  5. I think a lot of women think that way. But then again I know nothing about women 🤷‍♂️

  6. In a secure relationship you’d want your partner to be in their best shape, how common those are who knows

  7. Actually I’ve been hearing about this, apparently it’s common women want to flatten a guy up so girls won’t be after him

    Ya know I was like 200ish pounds when I started dating one girl and Idk I guess I kinda wanted out of the relationship a bit and so I started letting myself go and got up to like 300+

    Not only did it change nothing but I actually ended up fooling around with her best friend

    Here’s the kicker, I actually have male pattern baldness, so when I don’t cut my hair I look like George Costanza from Seinfeld and what not.

    So here I am this big fat bald neckbeard and I still had girls hitting on me.

    Dude I would practically argue girls care more bout confidence than looks

  8. This is actually SUPER common. Not sure if women tell their straight friends this but they sure tell their gay friends and discuss it among other female coworkers.

  9. I feel like this is a question you’d want to ask women about, not men. Since it’s a question about what women think.

    But maybe that’s just me.

  10. Women might bang a dude for his physical appearance, but that’s not generally why they get into a long term relationship. That’s more about money. They won’t leave him if he gets fat, but let him quit his job and decide he want’s to volunteer at a men’s homeless shelter 40 hours a week and their girlfriends will be concerned.

  11. The only reason I would want my husband to gain weight is so then I could gain weight without feeling bad.

    He is the person I have sex with, of course I want him to stay reasonably attractive. I would rather just trust him.

  12. That’s BS. I mean, I guess some women maybe think like that, but that’s so unhealthy and I never heard someone say that.
    If you’re okay with your partner becoming less attractive because then there are less chances for them to leave you and look for someone else it means that you’re just so insecure about your relationship.

  13. I don’t know about other women, but personally I don’t care if my partner is thin or fat as long as he’s happy. I understand feeling less secure if my partner is more attractive than me but that isn’t a healthy feeling so I wouldn’t entertain it and definitely wouldn’t voice the idea that I’d prefer him fatter since that’s pretty selfish.

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