really been wanting to try a threesome with my girlfriend and another guy, and it’s something that interests us both! i’ve been curious on exploring with another man sexually and my gf seems to be curious in the event as well. however idk if i can do it..
every time i think about it i just think about things like what if she’ll like it with him more, what if she’s more into it with him than she is with me. also i’m not sure if i could be okay with watching her getting off from someone else. idk what this is and why i keep feeling this way. it is something i’ve always been curious about and wanted to do but now when i really think about this is all i can think about😩

  1. If you have any shred of doubt in your brain, PLEASE read every other threesome posts talking about the regret. Not to be terrible or bring you down, promise.

  2. Best threesome advice coming… First pick someone slightly smaller that you… have a drink don’t plan it to much… have convo with miss what’s OK and not I.e where’s he coming? Really think you miss is gonna be Cummings on another guy… you good with that after?

  3. >but now when i really think about this is all i can think about

    Then you are in no way prepared for a threesome bro. I mean it, you go through with this in your current mental state, you will effectively nuke your relationship with this girl. Just let this go and explore other things with your girlfriend instead.

  4. This was a post that I was on earlier today you should go through and read it. Then read the comments and then think long and hard if you guys have the emotional maturity to handle a threesome. I cannot stress enough that you will need to set and follow clear boundaries.

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