How many times have you changed jobs or careers?

  1. I worked part-time jobs as a teenager and during school. My current job is actually my longest at 3 years. Prior to that, I kept jobs for only around 2 years or so.

  2. I’m at my 3rd “real job” after college, stayed for 4 years each at the first and second. Same career.

  3. stayed at my first job out of college for 8 months. I quit 4.5 months ago and still trying to find another one. no career change

  4. Three times, all were not the job I could see myself working at for the next twenty years.

  5. 10 I guess? With the exception of the US Navy, I generally keep a job for about 2 years and then something happens to it.

  6. So many times! Honestly – it only gets better. I’m settled into my role now that I love after going through many different jobs. At one point I even did temp work (that I actually really liked as well). I recommend everyone to experiement

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