What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever encountered?

  1. When I was younger I was sent to a child care program during the school holidays because my parents had to go to work. I was playing on the playground and a male on the other side of the fence pulled out a knife and threatened me. I was only 7-11 years old. I went to tell the teacher but thank god there was a fence between!

  2. When I was waiting for the buss one evening after riding school a car pulled up in front of the cubicle. I was a round 10 years old and this man asked me to turn the key of the car while he looked under the hood. I wasn’t comfortable with it but he said that I had nothing to be scared of. As I was sitting down in the front seat he turned around to grab my wrist. I panicked and jumped out and just as he lost his grip the bus stopped behind the car and the driver called out for me! I ran in and the driver told me that I had no idea how lucky I was today.

  3. Satan man

    That’s what we called him anyway.

    I did a semester abroad in Rome. One day me and a group of about 10 classmates were waiting in line to get into St. Peter’s Basilica and this guy comes up behind us. He started muttering things to himself and comes up close to us. He’s saying random things about “Germany my home. Deutschland my home”

    He started monologuing about his hate for God and angels in a really weird way. I don’t remember much of this part, but it was something like:
    “I lash out against heaven. My brothers and sisters are the demons in hell.”

    Then he starts yelling:

    “Who cares if I like to kill!?
    Who cares if I like to murder!?
    Who cares if I like to rape!?
    Who cares if I like to prostitute!?
    Who cares if I like to pornogrophate!? (not a real word, but he said that)
    Who cares if I like have bestial sex!?
    Who cares if I like to have child sex!?”

    And he went ON

    I was so deeply mortified. It definitely sent me into fight or flight, and for some reason I chose fight. I told him “you’re disgusting! Why are you standing in line for a church if you hate it so much. Go away.”

    Then he turns to me like a freaking vampire all wide eyed, lurching toward me. And he’s yelling again

    “I will kill you!
    I will murder you!
    I will rape you!!
    I will prostitute you!
    I will pornogrophate you!
    I will force you into child sex!
    I will force you into bestial sex!”

    And he kept leaning in and stepping toward me

    I was paralyzed, shaking and weeping.

    Thankfully we had some true gentlemen in that class and they put themselves in between him and me as well as some of the other girls who were really frightened by him. And they got security to take him out.

    What’s almost scarier is he was following me around the city all day that day. I kept seeing him in random places, maybe three times that day. He wasn’t staring at me, but he was staring in my general direction. Thankfully he didn’t approach me again and I never saw him after that day

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