Me (16M) has fallen in love with a girl (16F). Please give me advice since I’ve fallen in love with Someone I hate with. I’m in love with her so much. Her Body, Her Commanding Demeanor, And Her Eyes. I know I hated her and she hated me when we were like 13 and now we are like 16. How should I approach her to be my friend? She’s friends with my brother but she and I aren’t talking that much. We aren’t friends at all although we say Hi And Hello In A gladly manner though sometimes she acts so Mad about it when asking me questions(I don’t know if it’s just me, But she looks mad all the time). I totally Don’t know more I can add but you guys can ask and I’ll answer here. I’m not a good looking person or A bad looking Person though I remember other people having a crush on me too maybe like 4 or 5, I’m Not Crazy handsome as well. She looks beautiful imo. I can’t do something about it. Please tell me advice. Should I just talk to her more or Ask her some questions?

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