Hi everyone. I [19F] just have a question about a quite sensitive topic that I’m concerned about. I apologize in advance for the language I’m about to use since I have no other words to describe them.

So I just had my period on Oct. 1st, which was completely gone by the 7th, and I believe it was similar to my other periods. I then engaged in sexual intercourse with my partner on the 9th, it was a little painful during the first 5 seconds or so, but then it was fine so we thought it was because it has been quite a bit since the last time. However, a few hours after that, I started seeing light pink color when I wiped after peeing (like watery pink spotting – but no blood on panty). This happened about half of the times I peed these past 2 days (since sex). What is even more concerning to me is I just peed an hour ago and there was a small blood clot in my urine.

I’m so worried. What could this possibly mean? Any thoughts would be really appreciated.

* i am not on birth control.

  1. I’ve had this problem as well and I actually ended up going to the doctor for it because sometimes it would trigger a full on period. Sex can trigger more bleeding before and after periods because it opens everything up, so it could just be kind of getting everything else out. I was also told it may be because of birth control, but I forgot the exact explanation they gave me. Bleeding after sex is normal and should be ok. If it continues to be an issue though, I would definitely go to the doctor! Everyone’s body is different and only you know what is normal for you!

  2. I’ve had something like that happen before and it turned out to be a nasty uti. Happened so fast too. If you’re having any pain and your urine starts to get bloody, that could be it! I never thought it was that when it happened. If you didn’t pee or clean off well afterwards, that could be the problem. I hope you get some answers and relief soon!!

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