I know it’s a TV show. But I am extremely jealous of Jerry and George’s ability to meet and get dates with women with ease. Why can’t real life be like that. If you approach a women in person I feel like a creep. On dating apps things seem to go great with msg matches. Then about a week in I will try to set up a date to meet them in person and take them out for food and literally everytime they end up ghosting me or standing me up

  1. Jerry was a good looking guy with a successful career and a minor celebrity. His experience on the show is actually what a guy like that would get in real life.

    George on the other hand would struggle but most of his dates/girlfriends weren’t totally out of whack for him as far as looks. Also when he worked for the Yankees he would have been able to pull higher quality chicks.

  2. Remember Seinfeld took place in the 90s where the only way to get a date was by asking out people in person. Now you can still do that, we just have to work on this…

    >If you approach a women in person I feel like a creep.

    Why is that? What’s going through your head when you see women in public?

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