My gf(24) we’ve been together a year. In the beginning it was great, she was a really fun and pretty girl and I thought she was the one. Things moved pretty fast and she moved in with me within 3 months. The other night I went through her phone because I saw a mans name I didn’t recognize send her a flirty text while she was asleep. I know I shouldn’t of but I couldn’t help myself. I went through it and saw they were flirting back and forth. The next morning I confronted her about it and she started raging and screaming saying that I didn’t trust her and that I’m foul, and nothing but a speck of dirt. She didn’t even apologize or try to defend anything about her secret messages.
A few days later we were shopping in the store and she went to collect something on her own. I ran into her a few aisles away and saw she was talking to a man, she gave him a quick kiss and ran off. Of course I was outraged and followed after her questioning who he was and if it was the man she was texting. She told me I didn’t know what I was talking about and that I was just a insecure speck of dirt. When we got home I started an argument demanding to know, and she started screaming at me telling me she would eat my flesh and face. I was taken back and went to take a shower to cool off. While I was in the shower I could hear her saying crazy things like she would drink my blood if she could, and that she was more beast then human(which she has said these things many times before) I stayed in the shower until she calmed down. When I came out the groceries were all over the floor and stomped on. We had bought raw meat and it was out of the package half eaten on the floor.
I went in the room to find her laying in bed with a smug look and when I asked her why she had done that she told me because she could. That was all, “because I can.” Then asked what I was gonna do about it. I started to cry and told her these things she’s doing isnt normal behavior. She told me I was stupid and that’s why she has to cheat. She said this was how a real woman behaved and that I just don’t know how to handle a real woman then she told me she would pee on my furniture if I kept annoying her. She beginning unbuttoning her pants and just screaming. I really love her and I don’t know what to do.

Update: I have asked her to go stay with her sister since my daughter is visiting. Today we had gotten into it again and she called me a cry baby and that as long as she uses protection she should be allowed to have sex with whoever she wants. I told her not if she wants to live with me. She started saying hysterical things, “You don’t want to wake my inner me” “You hate me happy” I asked her to stay at her sisters this week since she only lives 10 minutes away from us. She tried ignoring me. She is leaving to stay with her sister till my daughters week with me is up.

  1. Im sorry but its not strange and hurtful, she is cheating and trying to make you feel guilty for it, you should pass by the breakup now

  2. This isn’t strange or hurtful, this is the behaviour of someone who needs help, like, serious help before she ends up hurting you.

    She’s already threatened you with violence and damaging your property and made it obvious that she’s cheating on you because she feels like she can do what she likes.

    If you’re concerned about your safety if you leave her, report everything she’s done to the police first so it’s on record. Is the love you say you feel for her worth you being scared and miserable in your own home?

  3. You know that there is an old saying that applies in this situation, don’t you? A wise man once said “Don’t stick your dick in crazy”. Now, whether or not she’s doing because she is literally crazy, or because she has some weird idea of how to deflect from the real issues, I don’t know. But I do think the saying applies. This merits packing your bags and simply walking away with another word.

  4. You need to get out of that relationship asap. No Normal person acts like that. For you own physical safety you need to get her out of your life

  5. Dump her! She is absolutely crazy, taking advantage of you, and blaming you for noticing her failures. This will not get better, and in fact, worse.

    Women like this have a LITERAL sexual kink in humiliating and cheating on their main partner.

    You don’t love her. There is not a “her” to love, but instead a psychopath projecting a shell of a normal human around her hollowed out core of a soul.

    I bet you $$ there were red flags you missed when you first started dating but weren’t willing to confront her on them.

    You need serious therapy. This post should have been titled “My GF is cheating on me and is mad that I noticed.”

  6. Your girlfriend sounds like an animal. Eating half a package of raw meat and threatening to pee on your couch. Jfc!

    You need to kick her to the curb! And don’t allow someone to move into your home after knowing them for a minute. People who move quickly in a relationship are usually a 🚩

    Btw… after she moves out be sure to get a restraining order. Asap!

  7. >We had bought raw meat and it was out of the package half eaten on the floor.

    Well, first off, stop dating werewolves.

  8. The only piece of advice I have is run the hell away and fast that woman needs some serious help

  9. Dude, change your locks. This is disturbing on so many levels. I’m literally scared for you.

  10. Grow a bone and throw her out of your home OP. Why are you being so considerate by saying “stay with your sister”? She is a psycho. She can stay wherever she wants. She can go to the other man’s place too.

  11. You’re in a abusive relationship whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Nothing about this woman sounds sane or remotely like a person you can build with. I’m sure you believe she has redeemable qualities, but nothing excuses her behavior. Despite your feelings for her, this relationship isn’t healthy and it’s certainly not the type of behavior you want around your child. Your girlfriend has disrespected you, your home, herself, and reduced you to tears. This is not love. You deserve better and I hope you find the strength to leave.

  12. Why you have not ended things with this psycho? , change the locks and install cameras at your place, end things with her though text and be ready to go to the police when the harassment begins.

    Or you are a doormat or a troll

  13. Dude, you have a kid. Please, dump this girl. She’s unhealthy for you and your kid.

  14. I’m surprised that this hasn’t been mentioned much in the comments here. If this is happening out of the blue, your girlfriend needs to see a doctor. This behaviour absolutely isn’t normal. It could be that she’s just been hiding the psycho for the past year, but it could also be a plethora of other things like mental illness, a psychotic break, or a brain bleed/tumour.

    Eating raw meat, saying that she would drink your blood or literally cannibalize you… not normal in the slightest. You should be concerned for your safety and hers. Please stay safe, get her admitted to a mental facility or have her see a doctor ASAP.

  15. Bro are you nuts!? Change the locks and get this girl out of your place! Document shit, get her on video! This is absolutely bonkers.

  16. this girl genuinely needs mental help like she is not ok in the slightest, also leave immediately

  17. She is right about real women, she really thinks it is how she must be a woman, she is not lying to you!

    If I experienced any of what you mentioned, I would break up with her!

    Are you enjoying being submissive?

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