Lately im feeling really frustrated because i think i have sex addiction. Its not just about pleasure more like a painkiller situation. When i feel anxious, sad, exhausted i feel like its a physical and emotional need.
I want to know if anyone suffering from this, or recovered have some clues how to start this process of healing. I know therapy is possibly needed but what can i do to myself mentally that helps, or helps me deal with this situation.

  1. Much similar situation, tho no solution yet but good it been self identified. A non internet trip helpd for some time but later again almost back to earlier stage 😅

  2. I never thought of myself as possibly being addicted to sex but I kind of relate to this. It’s still also about pleasure for me but it’s definitely also a distraction from tough life situations and emotions. I think the key question is if it affects your life negatively? Not sure if it does for me … maybe.

    As for your situation, I think seeking advice from a counselor or therapist is always the best option. Just one session at first to explain your issue to them and they will then help you decide what to do. Perhaps more therapy sessions? If you don’t want to go that route yet, maybe try really hard to resist your urge to have sex for a few weeks. Maybe you will develop healthier coping strategies? If you fail to do that, I’d definitely go back to the therapist idea. Good luck!

  3. I think this is me too. I fantasise about keeping my boyfriend in bed all day atm, but it’s turning him off how needy I am, which makes it much worse. I’m going through a really difficult time at the moment and sex just makes me feel so much better. I actually googled hypersexuality and depression last night, when I wanted to pounce on him again 😫

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