Hello everybody,

Let me (27M) just dive right in to the subject: about an year ago I met my a girl (24F) that worked in the same company with me. With time, we got closer and started talking and spending time at work. After a while she told me she has some trouble with her boyfriend and she asked for my advice. Fast forward, she decided to breakup with him. Since she had no place to go and I lived alone, I proposed to her to move in with me. She did.

Almost 4 months later, after she moved in with me, I started having feelings for her. Actually I’m like crazy about her. One day decided to tell her, tho I was afraid not to ruin the friendship, but giving the fact that I have other girls that I dated and we’re still friends, I told myself I have nothing to lose.

So I told her I have a crush on her. She rejected me kindly, by telling me that she does not want me to make espectations of her that she cannot rise herself to and she hopes I won’t change the way I behave myself with her.

What does that even mean? Do I even stand a chance?


TL;DR: I fell in love with my roommate, I told her and she rejected me

  1. She doesn’t like you in a romantic way and hopes that her rejecting you doesn’t change the fact that you guys have a good friendship.

    Don’t continue to pursue her romantically. And if you need space from her to deal with your feelings, it’s okay to ask for a bit of space.

  2. >What does that even mean?

    It means she’s not interested in you but still wants your friendship to stay the same

    >Do I even stand a chance?

    Obviously not? If someone says “no” it doesn’t mean “hang in there”.

  3. >giving the fact that I have other girls that I dated and we’re still friends, I told myself I have nothing to lose.

    You dated them in the context of their wanting to be in a relationship with you. She has never given you any indication that she wants to be in a relationship with you, so the situation is entirely different.

    You had a LOT to lose, and that’s your friendship.

    >I’m like crazy about her. One day decided to tell her

    What? Why on earth would you declare something like that?

    Why not just say “I really enjoy your company, would you like to have dinner sometime?” so she is free to reply and let you know her thoughts. That way she could say “Nope” without you both having to deal with the fact that you’ve declared that you have strong feelings about her, which is likely to permanently change your friendship.

    >She rejected me kindly, by telling me that she does not want me to make espectations of her that she cannot rise herself to and she hopes I won’t change the way I behave myself with her. What does that even mean? Do I even stand a chance?

    It means she has no romantic interest in you, and that you do not stand a chance.

    Back off or you’ll lose whatever remains of your friendship.

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