Graduated college this spring, don’t have much dating experience besides a 4 month relationship with my best friend from college that ended recently.
I work 5 days a week and go to night grad classes 4 days a week, so I’m usually out of the house from 7:30AM-10PM. Not many people my age (or single) at work or in night program (and friends from college, work + school are all over an hour away from my house).

Any tips for meeting new girls? Thank you!

Also, I play guitar and bass if that matters (not in a band).

Edit: asking for tips that don’t involve dating apps. Been there, didn’t enjoy the experience.

  1. It’s a small thing but first change your mindset. You’re a grown ass man now. You should be trying to meet women, not girls. But if you’re not meeting women in your day to day then dating apps exist just for that reason and let’s face it, that’s the primary way these days. Back in my day we didn’t even have the internet. We got rejected to our faces.

  2. If you’re that busy, do you even have time to date? Easiest way to meet women is to have a vibrant social life. Go out to public places, strike up conversations with strangers, make friends, meet people. But that takes time and energy that you may not have available.

  3. Do you actually have time to date or have a relationship? It seems like between your job and your studies, you don’t actually have a lot left over.

  4. Join a club or social group for sports or your interests. Is there anywhere where music folks go and hang out and be social? Do that.

  5. You have to establish a social base. Join local groups that have your interest. Expand your network. Girls aren’t the first step. Once you have friends and start attending social events the girls will come naturally.

    Unless you want to cold approach women in public and at bars. Which can work but is even harder than using dating apps imo

  6. Social groups. Meetup is pretty good. Recreational sports leagues. Many of those play on the weekend. See if your college has groups that get together on the weekend, that you might be interested in. See if there are local organizations that you can participate in. Your approach should be to meet people in general, not just women and not just dating prospects. As people become to know you, if they like you, they introduce you to other people. Over time you might meet someone you want to date.

  7. I know people are gonna vouch ‘do an extracurricular activity’ but you can’t join these with the expectations of meeting women, it’s weird and you’re not going to have a good time when they find out you’re desperate. I enjoy basketball and unfortunately for me, there aren’t many girls that enjoy the sport. That being said, I’m not gonna suffer through a hot yoga session because 90% of the participants are hot women. I know you said cold approach is not the move but if you’re honest about your intentions and keep your hands to yourself, there is absolutely nothing wrong with telling a girl ‘hey you seem really nice and I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is shaqshugepenis.’ And 95% of the time she’ll either reject your advance or be open to briefly conversing before handing you her number. Easier said than done but its way more ballsy than dating apps

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