I feel like I’m on here every second asking for advice but it’s too much. Anyway, my FWB and I hooked up a lot. He told me he’ll let me know when we can do it again when he gets free time. I literally saw him just sitting at home on his snap. I texted him and asked if we could do it again and he just read it and said nothing. Now all he does is watch my stories. Why would he even bother watching anything if he wants nothing to do with me and ignores me?

  1. He’ll hit you up when he’s bored and has no other options. He’s not there yet, but blocking you would burn the bridge

  2. You might be overthinking. Just because someone’s at home doing nothing doesn’t mean they have to be in the mood to have sex. If it bothers you that much you can be proactive and block him yourself.

  3. Sounds to me like he wants a break or wants it to end but just won’t say it.

    You aren’t being psycho about it are you? (Kinda sounds like it bases on your post lol)

  4. Not to be that person, but friends with benefits means is just that, maybe he doesn’t want to have sex with you right now and that’s why he isn’t reaching out, just because he’s free doesn’t mean he owes you sex when you want it, similarly you don’t owe him sex if he reaches out to you.

    Maybe he sees you reaching out to ask as a kind of attachment that he isn’t looking for, did you set boundaries when you talked about your relationship? Are you only looking for sex or are you starting to get feelings? How well do you know this person? Maybe he’s going through something, I know it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s a common misconception that just because sex is offered every guy is going to automatically want it, sometimes we don’t want sex, sometimes we don’t need it.

    I’d say to send him a text and let him know he can reach out when he’s free, or maybe offers to talk, but go into it without any expectations, if you’re fwb then he may not want to tell you what’s going on in his head or his life, afterall it’s not a relationship, it’s casual sex.

  5. It is a friend with benefits. Maybe he needs a break. If that’s not what your looking for then move on. This extra stuff your trying to do is like trying to push a rope.

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