For context, me and my boyfriend have been talking for around 2 months before we started a long distance relationship a bit ago (i do not want to say but its less than 6 months). In terms of talking and hanging out, he has been getting worse and worse, he always declined my invites to hang out with excuses of him being busy, with watching anime, reading manga and gaming .. yes I have tried talking to him about it, but he just tells me to block him if i have problems with him. It just seems like he doesn’t care about me or our relationship and he puts 0 effort into it. I always make time for him, and im ACTUALLY busy with serious stuff ! It just feels like he does not want anything to do with me. Anyways i have nothing else to really say, im just hoping to get some advice, he promised he would change but its not showing by now, I don’t know where to go from here.

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