To start with, I’m not unattractive. I’m a classic blue-eyed blond, with a Monroe-esque body and full lips, never had any problems with getting male attention before. However, my BF does not want to sleep with me, he can’t get hard or is simply not in the mood. We are a really happy couple in all other aspects, support each other, no jealousy, laugh all the time, simular interests and are extremely touchy. He says he loves me, and I really do believe him. He keeps me satisfied with giving me head or something, when I’m in the mood, even though he is not and that I really appreciate that.

He has had multiple girlfriends before and it has never been an issue before me. I just can’t help but be disgusted by myself, wtf am I doing wrong that makes him not want me at all? It’s affecting my self-esteem, which is usually pretty high, and I feel so nasty and unwanted. I cannot go on feeling like this forever, but I don’t want to break up, since everything is going so well in other aspects of the relationship. I’ve tried to talk to him about it, and he says he does not know why he does not desire me, he just doesn’t. He says he has no fetishes and there is really nothing I can do differnt since we don’t have bad sex, when we actually do have sex. I’m just don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t go around feeling unwanted and unhappy like this. It’s effecting my social life and engineering studies.

People of reddit, please help a girl out<3

1 comment
  1. Well the first thing you should know, this isn’t a reflection on you/your desirability. I don’t know if you’ve told your BF how you really feel about this situation but you should (if you haven’t). He probably doesn’t want to your self-esteem to be affected…maybe he needs to see a doctor or talk to someone professionally to get to the bottom of what is going on. Ultimately, something will need to change/addressed bc things can’t continue the way they are…good luck

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