Been seeing this girl for a few weeks. Purely just for sex. Had sex a few times.
Never had feelings for her or anything.

Now she’s told me she wants to distance herself and we should stop seeing each other because she thinks I’m getting sick of her? I assured her Im definitely not. Asked to not to distance herself from me completely. I actually enjoy spending time with her apart from sex.

It came out of nowhere. Don’t know what I did wrong.

I’m pretty upset with myself because I have no idea why she’s done this.
Just don’t know if I’ve done something?
Why is this bothering me so much?

Anyone ever been through this? What happened?

  1. I am baffled by the entire post.

    “A fuck buddy thinks you are sick of her.”

    A fuck buddy is someone you fuck, not someone you have a relationship with. Are you sure she thinks of you as a fuck buddy?

  2. I think it started as fuck buddies but she wanted it to grow to more, she got feelings for you. Since it’s not growing into something more, she feels you are bored, because it’s stagnant.

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