I met this one girl about two weeks ago at a coffee shop and we exchanged contact information and we’ve been talking. We planned to meet up at a museum this Friday. I’m excited about it and I really like this girl. However as I was scrolling through one of my dating apps I was liked by a really cute girl. I don’t know if I should wait and see what happens with the first girl before I talk to this other girl on the dating app. I would have for them to somehow be best friends and then it ruins everything. I’m not trying to cheat or anything like that. I just want to have options just in case things go badly.

Tl;dr I have two girls interested in me and I don’t know what to do

  1. talk to both. you’re overthinking the whole thing at this point – you’re only just at the introduction stage.

    you’re not gonna meet your life partner in the first thirty seconds of greeting, and you’re not going to be cheating just because you’re talking to a couple of girls.

    once things start to get serious with one or the other, that’s when it’s time to decide what you want to do, but by then you won’t actually need to make a decision, chances are you’ll have already decided, or they would have.

    TL:DR, don’t take it so serious, you’re not choosing a wife, you’re making friends/connections

  2. So you have one real tangible opportunity, and one that can still be a fake person.
    Go with the tangible option.

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